56. Getting ready for Caroline's Big Day

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Today was it! The day that the girls (especially Caroline) have been waiting for. It was the day of the Miss Mystic Falls pageant. Granted Violet and Bonnie weren't competing in the pageant, but they were still very excited to watch Caroline win because they saw the girls that Caroline was competing against and not to sound cocky or anything but... those other girls never stood a chance.

Where the others did 10 hours of community service (because that was the bare minimum to run for Miss Mystic falls) Caroline had done over 150 hours of community service with Bonnie and Violet. They all volunteer to help set up the parties and celebrations that are thrown for the town and most of the time if they aren't too tired then they also help clean them up.

They also volunteer at the elementary school sometimes to help the kids because they love children. To quote Caroline, "They are just tooooooo cute!!!!!!!" The children loved them and loved when they come to visit.

And not to mention the fact that they also are part of the committee to set up and plan the school dances. Which also gives them multiple community service hours.

Plus, the other girls that were competing are all snobbish and entitled. They think that just because they're fortunate enough to have a good life that they shouldn't have to help the less fortunate and let's just say that their words didn't have Carol Lockwood running to elect them as Miss Mystic Falls. Quite the opposite actually.

~The Forbes House~

"Okay are you sure we have everything? Because I don't want to forget anything that I need." Caroline asked, looking as stressed as ever.

The girls had a sleepover the night before so that they could make sure to help Caroline get ready for her big day. It was practically tradition since Caroline and Bonnie had helped Miranda help get Violet ready when she competed.

"Yes Caroline everything is in the car. Our dresses, our shoes, the make up, the hairspray, the curling iron, the bobby pins, the hair ties, everything." Violet reassured her as she listed off the more important things.

"Yeah, remember when we packed the car up last night so that we wouldn't be rushing and forget something?" Bonnie reminded her trying to get her to calm down.

"Ok slight panic attack over. Thanks for the reassurance. I needed it." Caroline said, sighing in relief. They had triple checked the car last night before they all went to bed just to make sure.

"Sweetie, you're going to do great. Just stay calm. Here, have some tea to help calm you down." Liz told her daughter, handing her a mug of hot tea.

"Thanks Mom." Caroline said gratefully as she drank the tea quickly in hopes that it will take effect faster.

"Okay, slow your roll girl. Don't drink too much of that, we haven't even had breakfast yet." Violet said taking the mug away from her before she could down the rest of the hot tea.

"We should probably go before she finds something else to worry about." Bonnie told Liz who nodded her head. The two of them pushed Coline out the door while Violet put the mug in the sink and locked up the house.

"Wait, so who's bringing breakfast again?" Bonnie questioned as Liz started driving to the Lockwood mansion, where the main part of the pageant would be happening.

"Stean and Damon said they would pick some food up for everyone and don't worry Caroline, Stefan said he would make sure to bring you something healthy and easy eat without making a mess so that you don't have a chance of messing up your dress, makeup, or hair." Violet said looking at Caroline whose mouth was open ready to ask her that.

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