3. Cemetery Meetings

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~Mystic Falls Cemetery~

Once school was over Violet walked to her car after saying goodbye to her friends and headed over to the cemetery. She offered her brother a ride home but he wanted to walk so it was just her in the car.

As she walked up to her parent's graves with some flowers that she picked up on the way. She bought 2 bouquets. One was a vervain bouquet for her father since vervain was her dad's favorite flower and she knew the reason it was his favorite too. She still remembered when her father and uncle John told her that vampires.


"Little Star do you want to come with us to go train in the woods" her father asked a 15-year-old Violet as he and her uncle John started packing their weapons and training gear into the car.

"Sure dad, let me go get changed I'll meet you guys in the car." she said as she went upstairs to go get her gear and get changed.

Her outfit

She put her things in the trunk and got in the back seat since her dad was the one driving and her uncle John was in the passenger seat

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She put her things in the trunk and got in the back seat since her dad was the one driving and her uncle John was in the passenger seat.

"Okay I'm ready," she said as she buckled up.

"Did you get your weapons? You know we're training in the woods today right?" her dad said to make sure she didn't forget anything before they left their house.

"Yes dad I got all of my weapons, I put them in the trunk." she said while rolling her eyes because her dad did this every time they went to go train.

"Ok just making sure little Star. I don't want to have to come all the way back home," he said as they drove away.

When they got to the woods they all got their bags and headed to where they usually trained in the woods. The two men walked behind her like they always did, to make sure she remembered where their training place was.

As soon as there was a good amount of distance between the two men and Violet, John turned to his brother and asked him "Are we telling her today? Because I think she is mature enough now and she can definitely take care of herself if she ever had to fight a vampire hell I think she could even win in a fight against a group of vampires."

"Ya I think now would be a good time to tell her. As much as I want her to stay my little girl I know that she can take care of herself now." Grayson said as a proud smile thinking of how strong his daughter is.

When they got to their training area they started setting up the things they wanted to train with first which were a crossbow and a bow and arrow. John and Grayson set up different targets (small pieces of red paper) for her to shoot while Violet stood in the middle of their training ground blindfolded so she didn't know where the targets were.

"Okay Star go ahead and take off the blindfold. But don't open your eyes until I say go." Grayson said to his daughter once they were done setting up the targets.

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