13. Chicken Wings

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"Babe you can come back down now!" Violet yelled. And faster than she could blink Stefan was sitting right next to her again with his arm around her. He smiled when she leaned into him.

"So you guys are done talking?" Stefan asked her.

"Yup, but now I want to talk to both of you. I know you guys are feuding or something but I want to make sure that the people I care about will be left out of this feud." Violet said to them sternly.

"Sure thing Blue send me a list of the people that you don't want me to hurt. Well, I got to go now, you know people to see things to do blah blah." Damon said as he walked out of the house.

"What?" Violet asked Stefan when she saw his face.

Stefan was looking at Violet like she was an alien.

"What did you guys talk about? I've never seen him agree to something so fast." Stefan said in shock. He shook himself out of his stupor when he heard Violet giggling at him.

'Oh so you think that's funny do you?" Stefan asked her as he pulled her under him and started tickling her.

"No! Stefan! S-stop!" she said giggling. When Stefan finally stopped tickling her he saw how close they were and his breath caught in his throat a little. He glanced down at her lips and back up.

Violet wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. Stefan moaned when Violet laced her fingers in his hair and pulled a little. Then it was Violet's turn to moan when Stefan started kissing down her neck and found her sweet spot right behind her ear.

"Stefan" she moaned.

Unfortunately, their moment was ruined by Violet's phone ringing. Stefan went to pull away when she pulled him back into a kiss, "Ignore it" she mumbled to him. He was going to ignore it but then it started ringing again, so he pulled away and picked up her phone.

"Violet's phone" he answered. Violet played with Stefan's hand while he listened to whoever was on the phone. He smiled down at her, "God she's so cute." he thought to himself.

"Yeah I'll tell her, okay bye," Stefan said hanging up. "So that was your brother, he wants to know what time you're getting home and what you want for dinner."

"Dang I still have to go to the store, I wanted to make some chicken wings for tonight. Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? I'm sure they won't mind." she asked Stefan.

"Sure. What kind of chicken wings are we going to make?" he responded as he opened the door for her to walk out first.

"Well I like buffalo wings, Jenna likes lemon pepper, and Jer likes regular chicken wings. So when I make wings I usually make all three of them. What about you what kind do you want?" she asked when they got into her car.

"I like garlic parmesan wings," he said

"Okay cool so we just have to pick up some ingredients from the store and then we can head to my house," she said

When they got to the store Stefan went to get a cart while Violet made sure she put all the things she needed on her list. It was such a sweet sight, Stefan, pushing the cart with Violet occasionally putting things inside of it.

"Ooh let's get some ice cream," Violet said when they walked into the ice cream aisle.

"Okay I think that's everything," she commented after putting the ice cream in the cart and checking her list to make sure she got everything they needed for dinner.

~Gilbert Residence~

"I'm home!" she yelled when they walked through the door.

"What's with all the groceries? Hey Stefan." Jeremy said walking to his sister to help her with the bags in her hands. Stefan and Jeremy put the bags down in the kitchen while Violet went to the fridge to get the rest of the ingredients out.

"We're making chicken wings for dinner," Violet said.

"Okay, I'll tell Jenna, I think she's upstairs finishing up some assignment. Call me down when it's ready, or if you need any help." Jer said walking upstairs.

"So I'm going to get to officially meet your aunt today," Stefan commented.

"Oh, shit that's right you haven't met Jenna yet. Well don't worry she already loves you, I tell her all about you. You know, just like you tell Damon all about me." she teased.

"You're hilarious, I think you want me to tickle you again," Stefan said creeping closer to her wiggling his fingers with a smile on his face.

"No! Stefan!" she squealed running away from him, but it was no use he caught her.

"Say sorry and I'll stop tickling you," he said.

"O-ok I'm s-sorry!" she said giggling.

"Jer, Jenna dinner's ready," she yelled up the stairs after they had finished cooking dinner and setting the table.

"Hi, you're Stefan, right?" Jenna said walking into the kitchen.

"Yes I am, it's nice to meet you," he said shaking her hand.

"Likewise. Well, it seems like you picked a good one Vi," she said teasingly to Violet.

"Aunt Jenna!" she said embarrassed while everyone else laughed.

"So what kind of wings did you make Star?" Jenna asked her as they sat down to eat.

"Well, it wasn't just me. Stefan cooked too, and we made garlic parmesan, lemon pepper, buffalo, and regular," she said as Stefan pulled out her chair for her.

"He cooks too. Damn Stefan why couldn't you be like 10 years older," she said, causing Violet and Stefan to laugh considering he was much more than 10 years older.

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