52. Packing up the Past

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A few weeks had passed since Elijah came to sign the house over to Violet and he spent a few days hanging around with the gang, but he had to leave because there was business that he had to tend to but not before he gave Violet her gift.


"Venus here is your gift." Elijah said, handing her a little box with a bow on it.

"Wow, it's heavier than the others you gave me. You must've traveled a lot." she said, surprised at the weight of the box.

The box was filled halfway with a bunch of different key chains from all the different places that he recently traveled to doing business.

"Oh, they're beautiful! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she screamed excitedly throwing her arms around him.

"You are very welcome. I hate to cut my visit short, but I have some business to attend to." he said, giving her one last squeeze before letting go of her.

"Okay, but don't be a stranger. Visit soon." she said with a stern expression.

"I'll make sure to visit within the next few months. Remember to call me if you ever need something." he said looking at her with an equally stern expression causing her to crack a smile and him to do the same.

~End of Flashback~

~Gilbert Household~

Violet was at home spending some time with her Aunt Jenna and brother. They were all cleaning out her parents' room. Mostly they were just packing up all of her parents' old clothes so that they could put it away in storage.

They started with cleaning Elena's room out so that they could use it as the new guest room. They just put all of her clothes into a bag to give to donation and the rest of the junk Elena had been thrown in the trash. They (especially Jeremy) didn't want any of that bitch's stuff in their house anymore.

He didn't want anything that would remind him of the bullshit that she tried feeding him of how Violet was a bad sister who took everything she deserved and how he was a terrible brother that nobody would ever want.

He voiced his thoughts to Jenna and Violet, and they all talked and decided that clearing out her room would be best for them since Elena wouldn't be moving back into their house.

"Wait so remind me again where we're putting their clothes." Jeremy questioned as he folded more of his father's clothes and put them in a box.

"We're putting it in your parent's storage unit. They paid it off for the next 50 years in case you would ever want or need to put anything in there." Jenna explained.

~At the Storage Unit~

After they had finished packing up their parents' clothes, they put all the boxes into their parents' old SUV and drove it to the storage unit.

"Wow, they were hoarders." Jeremy commented looking at all the different things in the storage unit.

"Well, your parents' were very sentimental with the things you guys owned as children. They were having trouble having kids and then Violet came along and a few years later Miranda actually got pregnant.

So in a way both of you were their miracle babies, so anything you guys touched was basically treasure to them." Jenna explained to them as she started moving a few boxes to a shelf that she had labeled 'Miranda's clothes' while the one below it was labeled 'Grayson's clothes.

"Aww I remember this. This was my toy that I got for my 2nd birthday, but I gave it away to Jer when Mom and Dad brought him home from the hospital." Violet recalled hugging a little stuffed dog.

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