42. Maybe He Deserved It

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When they got to school they met up with the rest of their group minus Jeremy in their usual spot.

"Hey, guys!" Violet said when they walked up to them.

Variations of "Hi," Hey" and "Morning" were what she received in response.

"So we were thinking of what we were gonna go as for the dance today," Caroline told her as Tyler and Matt groaned thinking about how they were being forced to dress up for some stupid dance.

"Oh boo hoo cry me a river," Bonnie said rolling her eyes at them.

"How about we all go as greasers? That's what I was thinking for Stefan and me. Plus it's a really easy costume." Violet told them.

"Yes! I love The Outsiders" Caroline said happy to finally have their costume ideas in her head.

"Yay, now I don't have to go out and buy a dress!" Bonnie said happily.

"Plus the guys already have leather jackets," Matt added feeling like he and Tyler were forgotten only to roll his eyes when the girls waved that off like it was no problem.

Then the bell had to interrupt their conversations and they all went to class.

~With Damon at the Salvatore Boarding House~

When Damon walked into his house he immediately smelled a deliciously sweet smell that he'd never smelled before.

He was wondering where the smell was coming from since the house didn't smell like this when he left yesterday.

He had spent all last night trying to find a distraction to get his mind off Violet, but it was plainly evident to him that it wasn't working.

"Where the hell is that smell coming from?" he asked himself trying to follow the scent only to be led to his brother's bedroom.

"Fuck!" Damon said when he figured out what he had been smelling.

It wasn't that hard to add up the math, he knew that Stefan and Violet were going on a date yesterday which is the main reason he had left their house last night.

He didn't really want to be in the house listening to his little brother have sex with the woman he loved

He was already tortured enough, he didn't want to add to it.

But maybe he deserves to suffer just a little, he thought.

For all those years where he was the reason that Stefan had gone off his bunny diet and on a ripper rampage.

For promising his little brother an eternity of misery when he should've promised him an eternity where he could count on him.

So maybe just maybe he deserved this. Seeing the woman he loves so close yet so far.

~Mystic Falls High School~

"Finally we're out!" Tyler exclaimed like he was a prisoner who hadn't seen the light of day for years.

"It's just lunch. We still have to go back after this." Violet reminded him.

"Shhh don't ruin this," he said.

Stefan, Tyler, Jer, and Matt went to go buy lunch for them from the grill and bring it back since it was their turn to buy lunch while the girls had sat down at their usual lunch spot waiting for them to get back.

They were just talking about how their outfits would look for the dance when suddenly Violet felt like they were being watched.

"Hey, Bonnie can I borrow your compact mirror? I forgot mine at home." Violet asked when she thought of a nonchalant way of looking around for who was watching them.

"Sure," Bonnie said handing over her compact knowing that Violet only asked for it when she needed to check their surroundings.

Sure enough, when Violet opened the compact she could see a hooded figure behind her watching them creepily from the end of the parking lot and if the feeling of death that poured off of him wasn't enough she could tell he was definitely a vampire and that he was gonna die soon.

She kept up the act of checking how she looked so that she didn't look too suspicious with the mirror and after a few moments of fixing a few flyaways in her hair she closed the mirror.

"Thanks, Bonbon." She said handing Bonnie the compact mirror back with a smile giving her a wink and letting her know that she got what she needed to know.

A few minutes later Stefan texted her that they were on their way back from The Grill and when they saw Tyler's car pull up in the parking lot she could feel the vampire speed away from them.

"Here you go. Cheeseburger with bacon and a side of fries with a Sprite for Bonbon." Tyler said putting Bonnie's food in front of her.

"Spaghetti with meatballs with a side of garlic bread and a Dr. Pepper for Carebear," Matt said putting Caroline's food in front of her.

"Pesto pasta with a side of potato wedges with a cherry coke for My Star," Stefan said setting the food in front of his girlfriend and giving her a kiss on the head before they all sat down and began eating their food.

"Thank you," the girls all said in sync as they dug into their food happily.

"There was a guy here earlier," Violet said while they were all eating causing the boys to look up in concern.

"Who was it?" Tyler asked.

"What did he want?" Matt asked at the same time.

"I don't know who he was and he didn't physically come up to us. He was watching us creepily from the end of the parking lot and I think he wanted to not be seen by me because he was standing behind me where it would've been harder for me to see him if I wasn't paying attention," she explained.

"Was he a vampire?" Jer asked concerned.

"Yeah," Violet said nodding her head before she turned her head to look at her boyfriend who had been awfully quiet during this discussion.

But when she looked at him she could tell that he was deep in thought, probably trying to figure out who would be watching her and why.

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