62.) Memories

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Jimin smiles as he sees his old laptop. He hopes this one still works as his current one is being repaired and he needed something to use for his work.

He turns it on and plugged it in case its low power.
"Yes" He says as it starts to turn on.
"Thank goodness you still work" He says as he blows the dust off.

As soon as the screen shows up, he gulped.
"Oh... I forgot about this" He says as he stared at the wallpaper. It was him and his ex, Jungkook. He goes to his photos.
"Damn..." He says as he's met with more photos.

"That's why I hid this, for memories" He says, sighing as he scrolls through the photos. It was full of his photos, their photos and him. He bit his bottom lip, sighing.

"Aish" He says, closing it.

"I miss him"

"I miss him"

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