61.) Jungkook's Love

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Jungkook smiles as he watches Hoseok dance. The older looked so happy to be back on stage once again.

He felt presence beside him, making him look at who it was and seeing his older brother.
"You seem to in love, Jungkookie" Namjoon says as he stared at his brother.

"I am, hyung" Jungkook says and Namjoon rolls his eyes.
"I shouldn't have said anything then" Namjoon says, huffing.

"You're bitter, don't be... You have Jin hyung... And besides, you should think of what you should do for tomorrow, it's Valentine's day" Jungkook says and Namjoon scratches his nape.

"Oh, yeah" Namjoon says and walked away. Jungkook frowns, shaking his head and went back to check on Hoseok, but frowned once again as he didn't see the older.

"What the..." He says, turning around to be met with the older, holding a bouquet of flower. The flower also had some polaroid photos of them, making him smile.

"Happy Valentine's, my Jungkook"

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