5.) My Phone!

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Jungkook was in a rush. His brother had decided to mess with him by turning his alarm off while he was asleep. He was expecting it to ring but it didn't and that's how he had found out.
"Fuck you, Junghyun hyung... You wait till I get back home, you're going to be begging for forgiveness" He muttered under his breath as he glared at the ground.

He was late and it's all his brother's fault. All because of a cake. Because of Jungkook being distracted, he ended up bumping into someone and he had happened to let go of his phone that was in his hand. He heard it hit the ground with a loud sound and he heard another one, seeing that the guy he had bumped into, had his phone fall down.

"My phone!" Both of them said at the same time, picking their phone up with wide eyes. Jungkook curses under his breath as he sees that his phone had a completely shattered screen.
"Shit..." He hears, looking up to see the guy. He also got a glimpse of the phone and winces as he sees that it was the same condition as his.

They made eye contact and glared at each other.
"Pay for this!" They said in unison, showing the phone. Well, that was something Jungkook couldn't forget.

~  ~  ~  ~

Jungkook chuckles as he secretly watched Jimin walked past him. Who would've known that the guy who Jungkook had bumped into, broke his phone and argued with, ended up being his husband. But then again, destiny plays.
"You going somewhere?" He says as he crossed his arms, crossing his arms as he stood in front the older, who had the look of someone being caught.

"Baby! You're awake!" Jimin says, laughing nervously.
"Where do you think you're going in the middle of the night without my permission, Park Jimin?" Jungkook says, raising his brow.
"Baby, please! Yoongi hyung and the others wants me there, please let me go... I promise you, I will reward you with something if you let me... I'll buy you a new phone, if you want" Jimin says, kneeling down as he hugged his husband's legs.

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot... You broke my phone without me knowing, hmm?" Jungkook says and Jimin pouts.
"I'm so sorry, my love... I didn't want to make you mad, you know how hard it was to argue with you... I still remember when we had argued about breaking each other's phone on our first meet, you were hard to argue with..." Jimin says, huffing.
"Aish... You can go" Jungkook says and Jimin gasps, looking up with sparkle in his eyes.

"But I will go with you"


"I am, or you're not going"



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