24.) The Ring

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Yoongi huffs as he looked through more files. He was supposed to call his husband, Jungkook, but he forgot because of these files he needs to finish. Jungkook had called his several times and he had gotten irritated, probably from stress, to the point he had to put it on silent.

Finishing the last file, he grabbed his phone as it vibrates. He answers the call, rubbing his forehead.
"Hello?" He says, hearing crying sounds and sirens.

"Hello? Hyung?"

"Yes, Taehyung ah? What's happening? Why is it so noisy?" Yoongi asks, groaning as he stood up.

"Hyung, please come here... An accident happened..."

~  ~  ~  ~

Yoongi rushed to the said highway. Taehyung wasn't lying, the place was a wreck. There were ambulances, and people were crying as they watched their loved ones get wheeled inside the ambulance.
"Taehyung?!" Yoongi says as he run around, spotting his brother.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" Yoongi says as he hugged Taehyung tight. The younger hugged back. Yoongi pulls away and stared at his brother.
"You're not hurt everywhere, right?" Yoongi asks and Taehyung nodded, but sobbed as he stared at the older.

Yoongi really didn't hear more when he got the call from Taehyung, he had ended it immediately as soon as he heard that there was an accident.
"Why are you crying? Tell me the truth" Yoongi says as he frowned. Taehyung shakily pointed at something, which Yoongi followed with his eyes and turned his head.


Yoongi felt like his breath was cut off. A familiar car made him freeze in his spot. Jungkook's car. It was Jungkook's car and it was turned upside down.
"No, no... No, it can't be" Yoongi says and ran to the car, looking around with frantic eyes.
"Jungkook... Love?" He says and gulped as he sees a familiar hand... Along with the ring... The ring he had wore on him on their wedding day.

"No, no!" Yoongi says and fell on his knees as he cried. Taehyung kneels beside him, hugging him.

"This can't... Taehyung... This can't be, I'm dreaming? I'm dreaming, right?"

(Part 2?)

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