28.) Straight [2]

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Taehyung chuckles as he stared at his friend, who clung onto Jungkook... His boyfriend. Yes, Jimin had fallen for Jungkook ever since he had laid on the younger.

He was just denying it before but look at him now. Acting like Jungkook will leave him if he ever let go. Taehyung laughs at the fact that his friend used to have a big ego.

Everytime he had teased him about liking Jungkook and being "straight", he would get mad and tell him that it was just an innocent crush and nothing.

But then now seeing him hug Jungkook with his head on the younger's shoulder, he couldn't help but tease him about it.
"I see, "Mr Straight"... Your BOYFRIEND won't go away, let him go and let him do his work" Taehyung says, smirking.

"Yeah, hyung... I won't go away, please let me do my work and you do yours" Jungkook says, huffing as he stared at his boyfriend. The older pouted but listened to the younger anyways.

Jungkook smiles and pecked the older's cheek. Jimin smiled and hugged him again.
"I love you" Jimin whispers into the younger's ear, causing him to blush.

"Shut up, let me do my work"

"Shut up, let me do my work"

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