10.) One "I Love You" And You're Mine

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Jungkook never expected to fall in love. Hell, he didn't even think that a man will make him feel this kind of thing.

Love. A love he had never experienced before, a different kind of love. Not like the love he feels between his and his parents, nor even with his friends, but a love that makes his heart beat so fast and make him feel like there's butterflies in his stomach.

And he had felt that after meeting Namjoon. His boyfriend... No, husband. Namjoon, the one guy that said "I love you" to him, causing him to fall in love.

"I love you" Namjoon says, and everytime Jungkook hears those three words, he remembers how much love he has for the other.

"I love you too, but don't be so clumsy... Now we'll have to clean up"

"Sorry, honey"

"Sorry, honey"

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