43.) Books

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Jungkook huffs as he sat down in front of the TV, switching channels. He was looking for an interesting show, but there was nothing.

He then decided that maybe reading books can help his boredom. He stood up from the couch and went to the bedroom.

He looks around and not seeing his boyfriend, Namjoon. He hears the water from the bathroom and smiled before he walked to the door.

He knocks on the door, hearing a hum.

"Hyung! Can I look through your books! I am bored!" He says and he hears a "yes" before he smiled and went to Namjoon's book shelf.

He looks through and pouts as he didn't see anything interesting. He hears the bathroom door open and he's met with the older, who smiled at him.

"Find anything interesting?" Namjooj asks as he dries his hair.

"Nope... How about we play uno?"

"Oh, it's on"

"Oh, it's on"

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