No Tea

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            I hear my name being shouted from a little ways down the hall. And just like that the moment is over. My face flushes in embarrassment and I distance myself from the irritated Corbyn. Soon Arabella rounds the corner and stops at door, gazing at us quizzically. "Am I interrupting something?" she asks. "No, no of course not I just wanted to say goodnight to Roderick. That's all." I say nervously. Everything goes still as Bella looks between me and
Corbyn, "Well mother just wanted to know if you wanted a little tea to help you sleep?"

"Yes please." I say as I try to calm my racing heart. With a simple shrug of her shoulders Bella turns around and heads back the way she came. Turning my attention back to Corbyn I see his eyes are turning red, hunger, I assume. "If you'll excuse me I must go get something to drink." "Blood?'' a simple nod answers my question.

"You can drink some of mine if you want," I offer, but Corbyn just continues his walk out Roderick's music room. With a deep sigh I too leave. Just great I almost kiss Corbyn and Arabella comes and destroys our moment. I touch my lips and think of how it would have felt to have his lips against mine.


Opening the door to my borrowed room I nearly jump out of my skin when Roderick's ghostly figure stands in front of me. "Mystics Roderick you nearly gave me a heart attack." I huff out, but all he does in reply is tilt his head. Those deep onyx eyes stay trained on me as I walk around him to sit by the mirror.

As I'm about to pick up the brush, his cold hand shoots out and stops mine midair. The swinging of his chocolate curls back and forth gives me the sense he's telling me no. His small child hands pick up the brush and starts to brush my hair for me.

His face is scrunched up in concentration as he runs the brush through my own chocolate locks. I stay lost in my thoughts till he hits a snag in my hair and tries to yank the brush out. "No like this." I take my hands through the tangle and finger comb it and soon he copies my demonstration.

Pretty soon he is done and he wears a satisfied look on his face. I thank him for his hard work and he smiles. I then realize he is missing teeth. One fang on the top and his two bottom teeth. This just makes him even more adorable. Then he turns and leaves and I'm left all alone in my room.

Changing into my pajamas I lie down under the covers and blow out my bedside candle. "Hmm no tea." I say out loud to no one in particular. I feel my eyes get heavy and soon I'm off to sleep.


 Sorry guys I've been MIA for apparently two months. Wow that's a long time. This is kind of just a filler chapter to make up for the updates that have  not been happening. I'm going to try to get back on a schedule for updates.

           For those of you who are wondering i'm still going to  continue my sorta kinda new book A Princely Obsession. I also have another book Married to Insanity that i will officially start after i finish this one. 

             So for those of you who have stuck around I would like to thank you  

                                                                       with love tigerlola92

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