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I am in my 3rd month of pregnancy and things are going much better this time.  Tom has been so good and sweet to me.  He does all my food runs and doesn't complain even when it's 2 in the morning.

I have the morning sickness still, but it hasn't been as bad. When I throw up, Tom is there holding my hair back, rubbing my back, and putting a cold washrag on my neck.

Our vow renewal is going to be next weekend.

I'm so emotional at times, that I end up in tears if Tom just says, "hey Sydney."  He laughs and says it's adorable.  He hugs me and lets me cry on his shoulder.  He tells me he hates to see me cry, but at least it's just my hormones, and I'm not crying because I'm hurt.

I am struggling with not being able to do all I was for the girls. But Tom watches me like a hawk. Sometimes nagging me, and that gets on my nerves. Like the other day, I bent down to pick them up, and Tom was right there, telling me not to do that. if I want them, tell him, and he can get them and hand them to me.

The girls are growing and changing so much each day.  They are the most beautiful babies, and they are so full of life and fun.  They adore their daddy, and he makes them laugh all the time.  They love to pull his hair, and then he will pretend like it's really hurting him, and fake cry, and they laugh so hard, then pull his hair again.

I love watching Tom with his girls.

Tom talks to the baby all the time and kisses my stomach. He said that he is loving this pregnancy so much, but it makes him sad that he missed it with his girls. I told him I know that, but just remember the girls don't know that. He's been here for the girls from the first breath they took, that is all that matters.

Tom told me he can't wait until the baby kicks, and the videos and ultrasounds. He's all in on this pregnancy. Wants to be at every appointment.

It was Saturday, and Judy came over and asked if I wanted to go to the mall. Tom said sounds good.  

Judy looked at him.  Tom said, "What is that look for?"

I laughed.  Judy said, "I thought maybe just us girls could go."

Tom said, "oh you mean me stay here."

I laughed.  Judy said, "yes Tommy I mean unless you are saying you are a girl now."  He rolled his eyes.

I said, "Tom you deserve a break, from me."

Tom said, "Sydney I don't want a break from you. I'm sorry if I've been getting on your nerves. And that you feel you need a break from me. I'm just trying to take good care of you and make sure that this pregnancy goes smooth and isn't like the last time. I know that I was the reason why you were so sick."

I said, "Tom that is not what I meant. I don't need a break from you. And you are taking such good care of me and our girls. We love you so much."  I hugged him and kissed him.

I said, "Tom I feel bad that I'm so emotional and you have to take care of me all the time. I don't want you to feel tied down to me, if you want to go out with Doug and Harry."

Tom said, "I don't want to go out, how about if I stay here with the girls, you and Judy have some girl time without them. Unless you want the girls with you."

Tom looked so pitiful pouting with his best pouty face.

I said, "Now how can I say no when you look at me like that."

Tom smiled.  He said, "you hear that girls, your mommy said you can stay home with me."

He smirked at me.  I laughed.  

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