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Tom could tell that Sydney was pulling away from him.  he was worried about it, but he thought it was cause she had hugged him, and it scared her being that close to him.  He didn't know whether he should try and talk to her about it or not.

Harry and Judy and Sydney were going to go to the mall and then dinner.  It was Wednesday. Tom said "hey Syd before you leave work today can I talk to you a minute"  She said "Sure I'm getting ready go home now if you want walk me out"  Tom said "ok"

He looked nervous.  Sydney wondered what was wrong.  She said "Hanson you ok"  He said "yeah I was just wondering if you had plans tonight I was wanting to talk"  She said "um yeah I'm going with Harry and Judy to the mall to eat."  Tom said "oh ok I'll see ya."  Sydney said "Hanson I was going ask you if you wanted join us"  He said "I'd love to thank you"

She said "So what's up what did you need talk to me about"  He said "I just look it may take longer than what we have here"  Sydney said "we can go ahead and go to the mall and they can meet us if you want" Tom said "ok sounds good. You mind me riding with you"  Sydney said "no"  She  texted Judy and told her they were going on ahead.

Sydney said "You want get a smoothie and we can sit and talk"  He said "Sure"  They did.  Tom said "I just want make sure we are ok. Did I if I did something to upset you, when I was on that military base then please tell me. I didn't realize I did something"  Sydney said "I'm fine, I'm not upset Tom"  He said "you sure cause you seem a little distant from me."  She said "I'm sorry. I didn't realize."  He said "it's fine, and if it's about you hugging me I want you to know I know you were upset scared worried about Harry. I wasn't thinking it meant anything"  Sydney said "I have been kind of worrying that I maybe am giving wrong signals"  Tom said "no you're not"  She said "ok but I am not upset with you Hanson." 

Sydney had been worrying about Tom finding out about Booker and Jackie.  She was afraid Tom was going to be jealous.  She told Judy that she felt like she should tell him but she was scared to cause scared it'd break her heart if he was upset.  Judy didn't think he would care.

Harry and Judy came and they went to eat.  Tom had went to restroom.  Dorothy was there with one of her girl friends.  Sydney said "Great look who just walked in."  Judy said "let's hope she don't spot us."  Sydney said "look at her hair' Judy said "looks like she got caught in a tornado I hope she didnt just have that done"  They laughed.  Harry said "you ladies"

Dorothy came over.  She said "hi guys."  Harry said "Dorothy"  Judy nodded. Dorothy said "Sydney how are you doing sweetheart."  Sydney looked at her like what in the hell.  Sydney said "I'm fine."  She said "Where is Tommy"  Sydney said "um in the bathroom"  She said "Good you guys are the cutest couple. I just love that outfit, is it new"  Sydney said "no it's old"  Dorothy said "And your hair looks wonderful. You look beautiful"  Sydney said "ok what the hell do you want, if you want me to do something for you with Doug you need forget it, I'm not helping you if you and Doug are fighting"  She said "we aren't fighting, I don't want anything"  Sydney said "fine"  She said "See you guys"  She left.  Harry and Judy laughed.  Sydney said "What the hell was that"

Tom said "What"  Judy said "you missed the twilight zone"  Tom looked at Sydney.  Sydney said "Weirdest thing just happened. Dorothy was being all sweet complimenting me, she even said she thinks you and I would make the cutest couple"  Sydney laughed.  Tom was hurt that Sydney thought  them being a couple was funny.

Tom said "She and Doug fighting again"  Sydney said "she said not I asked her what she wanted but she said nothing It was too weird"  Judy said "yeah she definitely wants something" Tom said "so what else she say to you"  Sydney said "that I look beautiful"  Tom said "well she and I agree on something cause you always look beautiful"  Sydney smiled.  Harry said "I agree."

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