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Tom is watching this boss. Filled with hate for him. How can he be such a monster that he could order a hit on Sydney and Harry and Judy.  Actually, two hits on Sydney.  This monster wants Sydney dead. It's up to me to make him pay. Take him off the street. I have to do whatever it takes to get this guy and protect Sydney at all costs.  To think of my life without Sydney in it. I mean, I'm still shocked that she forgave me, and is still in love with me, and said yes to marrying me. But even if she never forgave me, and we weren't together, I need her to be alive. Happy. Healthy. But to think of having to go on day after day if she would have died. I couldn't survive it.

Finally, the guy gets done with his conversation, and walks back to his car, drives off.  Tom starts his car and follows him.  

The guy drives to his house, unlocks the door and goes inside.  Tom drives by gets the address, and then leaves.

Tom goes back to his hotel room that he's been staying in.  

Tom calls Sydney on the burner phone he gave her.  She said, "Tommy are you ok?"  Tom said, "hey baby I am now. I just needed to hear your voice. How are you doing? "

Sydney said, 'I'm fine, except worried about you."  Tom said, "I'm fine. I'll be careful."

Sydney said, "Tommy can you tell me what your plan is."  Tom said, "I told you, my plan. I got to get the evidence to put this guy away. I can't have him out there he took 2 hits out on you."

Tom said, "Syd you did what I asked didn't you?"  She said, "you mean keep your plan secret. Yes Tommy. I don't agree with you though. I wish you'd let me get you help."  Tom said, "Sydney."  

She said, "But I understand why you want to do this alone. You're right Adam would say that you don't have enough evidence" Tom said, "Exactly, I have to get the proof. A search warrant would work except I don't have enough evidence to get a search warrant. And no way could I get Psycho to tell, I'd have to give up my cover, and then I'm at risk to be taken out. This is the only way."

Sydney said, "Tom, maybe I could sneak out of the house, and come join you. So that you have backup" 

Tom said, "Sydney no absolutely not. You are going to stay there; I'm not telling you anything else baby. I got to go. Sydney, I love you. I never thought I could love someone or need someone so much the way I love you and need you."

Sydney said, "I love you, Tommy. So much. Please be careful and call me when you can."  Tom hung up.

Tom waited until it was dark, and then went back to the house, and sat outside. Waiting to make sure he saw the guy leave.  As Tom sat there, he was flooded with memories of Sydney. From their first meeting, first conversation, all the good times, making her laugh, kissing her.  Tom saw the guy come out of his house, and leave.  Tom waited a few minutes, checking in his mirror to make sure he was gone.

Tom got out of his car, went and broke the window on the door, so that he could fit his hand inside, and unlock the door.

Tom walked around the house. Looking in each room.

Tom came to one room, opened the door.  It was an office, with a desk.  

Tom went to the desk, turned on the light, and sat down.  Looking at all of the folders on the desk.

Tom opened up the desk drawer, bingo he thinks.  Saw a little lock box.  Pulled it out and broke the lock on it and got it open.

What Tom doesn't realize is the man has come back.  He pulled up and parked behind Tom's Mustang.  Could tell someone was in his house, because the lights were on. Making his way to the door.

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