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Tom was excited so he called Doug and let him know.  Doug told him he was happy for him but advised him just take it slow, don't push her or move too fast with her. If you do she will run. Remember you have to take baby steps, small steps.  Sydney went to bed early and tried to sleep but she couldn't.  She never slept good living alone afraid that someone might break in, but she was also worried about telling Tom that she would be able to work with him and go places where he was.  She called Judy and talked to her about it.

Sunday Harry came over and they went to church and then to eat.  At lunch Sydney was just sitting there not talking.  Harry asked her if she had changed her mind about giving Hanson a chance.  She said she was just nervous about it. Harry knew that Sydney and Booker were never a couple.  She told Harry she was just worried that Hanson would figure out she was still in love with him, and if he found that out, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to resist him. Harry said he didn't think Tom would think she was in love with him.

She asked Harry if he would do her a favor and come get her for work in the morning, she was nervous about being there first day and maybe having be alone with Tom. Harry said sure he would pick her up.  He told her not worry about it, that it's not like she needed be on a case with Hanson right away, and Tom and Doug were on a case already so he probably wouldn't be in chapel long, and Harry and Judy would be there.

Next morning Harry called Sydney.  She said "hey what's up"  He said "Please don't hate me"  She said "oh so you can't take me to work?"  He said "no I'm so sorry.  Judy and I got called by the principal that we are working with on that theft ring and he needs see us asap. I'm sorry Sydney"  She said "it's fine. It's silly. I don't need you to come with me."

Sydney struggled with finding something to wear.  She stood there looking at her closet, and everything she picked she put back.  She hated the thought of Tom seeing any part of her body, her mind flashed back to being at Jakes by the mens room and everything moving so fast. She was hit with memories of everything that happened after that.

Harry called Tom and told Tom just make sure he takes it slow and respect Sydney's boundaries, it was big deal and he knew he was excited that Sydney would actually be working at same time as him, but don't pressure her into anything.  Tom assured him that he wouldn't. 

Tom was nervous.  He got ready for work ate some cereal and sat there and thought about Sydney, how today might be the start of trying to win her back.  At least win her back and get her as his best friend again.  He was desperate to have her in his life, and knew this was his only chance.  He wanted show her he was sincere about being sorry and about putting their friendship first and being willing to work on fixing the mess he made. He decided he would stop and get her flowers.

Sydney decided on picking a long sleeve teeshirt and jeans. And then a denim jean jacket on top of that.  She thought she would be covered up good in case Tom stared he wouldn't see anything.  She was nervous as she drove to work. Trying calm herself down telling herself not to freak out around him.  She breathed a sigh of relief when she pulled into the parking lot and no car was there. Meaning Hanson wasn't there yet.

She went in and was standing by her desk, and picked up a box of paperwork that she was going to file.  Tom had came in, she didn't hear the door.  Tom saw her, and his heart skipped a beat.  He was so nervous, almost hands shaking.

She had the box in her hands and was headed to storage room, when she turned around and ran into Hanson. She was a little unnerved cause she didn't realize he was in the room, and wondered why he didn't say anything, why was he behind her, how long was he behind her staring at her, what was he thinking.  Tom saw the look in her eyes, and it unnerved him.

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