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Tom called and asked Sydney if she wanted him to pick her up to take her to work, she said no thanks that Judy was going to go, so she was driving. Sydney and Judy went into the chapel.  Tom said "hey ladies"  They both said hi.  Judy looked about as bad as Sydney did, Tom noticed. Sydney still looked scared and freaked out, and upset.

Judy went in to talk to Adam.  She was going to attempt to tell him, but she couldn't do it.  Adam was asking her if she was feeling better, she panicked wondering why he would ask that, he said cause you were sick.  She said she was.

Sydney was worried about Judy being in there with Adam, she knew how hard it was going to be for Judy to say the words to Adam. She knew that she was planning on it.  She was staring in there.  Tom was staring at her.

The mailman came in with the mail.  He usually left it with Sydney and she sorted it and passed it out.  he said "morning Officer Brady"  He put the mail on her desk.  She jumped.  Tom and Doug were watching.  He said "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you"  She said "No it's fine"

Adam came out and called Sydney and Tom to come in.  Sydney was sure that she had told Adam.  She was actually relieved cause then Tom would know and she wouldn't have to tell him, but she could have Tom to comfort her.  She wanted to hug him be in his arms where she felt safe.

Adam said "ok I just wanted an update about this case, who you think might be suspects, how you think they are stealing these drugs"  Sydney looked at Judy.  Judy looked at Sydney. Neither spoke.  Adam said "ladies."  They looked at Adam.   Tom said "We think it is probably got something to do with the morgue. They have this study group that meets in the morgue of all places."  Judy said "yeah I went to it and I don't have proof they didn't say anything really, but I'm sure it is happening there, all of them were rolling in money, fancy clothes, fancy cars"  Adam said "Which some might be rich but most aren't rich and have tuition to pay and no job so sounds good. Stay on that."  He left.

Sydney and Judy sat there.  Tom stared at them.  Both of them jumped when Booker had came into the office to talk to Adam.  Tom said "So ladies um Syd I know you're my boss, and I'm fine with that. you can tell me what to do, and I know I can't tell you"  Sydney didn't say anything. Just looked at him.  Tom felt sick cause he knew usually she would have something to say.

Tom said "Anyway how bout you ladies let me take over the morgue stuff. I mean it's kind of creepy in there, and let me take over for at least tonight"  Sydney and Judy said at the same time thank you Hanson.

Sydney and Judy were quiet all day, didn't laugh at Tom's jokes and didn't say much.  Judy and Sydney skipped class that Evan was in and didn't want to eat lunch on campus. So they went off campus to eat at Subway.  Tom said "ok Judy  what time does this study group meet."  She told him.  She said "they party, they dance, have music"  Tom said "They study at all"  She said "yeah, some"

They went back to Sydney's.  Tom went to the morgue.  Tom saw that someone wheeled what he thought was a dead body in the morgue and then left it, he saw a bunch of students go in, so he opened the door.  Just then he saw a hand come out of the sheet of the what he thought was a body and grab some of the drugs put it under the sheet and then the guy who wheeled him in there came back and got him.  Tom left no one had seen him.  Tom called Adam asked to meet him at chapel.  Adam came in and Tom said "i got them I know how they do it."  Tom filled Adam in, then went over to Sydney's.

Sydney opened the door after she saw it was Tom.  She said "Tommy"  He said "hey can I come in"  She looked at Judy.  Then she said "yeah"  Tom said "I got them. We were right it happens at morgue."  Tom explained what he saw.  He said he let Adam know and that tomorrow night we are going to make the bust.

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