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Tom Hanson is a young police officer.  He wanted to become a police officer to follow in his dad's footsteps.  His dad was shot and killed in line of duty when Tom was 16.  Tom has felt a lot of guilt, upset that his dad died alone, and was afraid his dad didn't know how much Tom loved him.  

Tom grew up as sort of a loner.  He was small for his age, and was bullied and picked on a lot.  So he toughened up, and decided he didn't really need anyone.  He started partying, and smoking, drinking, skipping class, and upsetting his parents.  He had several girlfriends, but none of them ever really meant anything to him, and they were brief relationships, then on to the next one. He didn't believe in love or marriage or commitment.

After Tom's dad was killed, Tom finally got his life together, and went to the police academy, where he was number 1 in his class.  Tom was excited for his first unit, but it quickly ended up being a nightmare for Tom.

Because of Tom's youthful appearance, he found it hard to fit in with the older more mature officers.  They didn't want to have Tom around, and most of them teased him about how young he looked.  Tom had a temper, and was a hothead. He would get so mad when they ribbed him, that he would end up punching them, breaking most of their noses. Which didn't leave him very popular.  Tom even though he was a great by the book officer, didn't fit in, and no one wanted to ride with him, so his Captain had no choice, but to let Tom go.  Tom was disappointed, but his Captain tried explain how it just wasn't working out.  Tom was going to move back home, and give up being a cop.  He felt like once again he failed his dad.  The Captain knew Tom's talent and that he was a great cop, just not the right fit for him, so he tried talking Tom into giving the 21 Jump Street Under Cover Unit a try.  The Captain was good friends with Captain Jenko, who ran the Undercover unit, and he thought Tom would be a great fit, one thing, because of his youthful looks.  He explained to Tom that they were an undercover unit who all looked young and officers went in to high schools around the city, to try and stop these kids from becoming life long criminals.  Tom was not interested, but after talking to his mom on the phone, he decided it wouldn't hurt to go and talk to this Captain Jenko.  But he wasn't sure he was going to stay.

Officer Sydney Brady had been at Jump Street unit for a year.  She was best friends with Officer Judy Hoffs. And Doug Penhall and Harry Ioki.  Sydney's parents were murdered when she was 16.  She carried around tremendous guilt, because she wasn't home the night that an intruder broke in and murdered her parents.  She felt like she should have been there and at least been killed with them.  Sydney was at her job at the mall. Sydney left work thinking it was just another day, only to walk into the most horrific sight she had ever seen.  The house was ransacked, there were signs of struggle, she ran through house calling for her mom and dad, and then saw so much blood, and saw her parents both lying there shot several times in the head.  Sydney's life changed that day.  She didn't have any other family, so a family from their church took her in, so she could finish school.

Sydney was a very beautiful woman. She had long brown hair.  Slender build. But she never believed she was beautiful.  She had a lot of friends in high school.  Of both sexes.  All the jocks thought of Sydney as one of the guys, which really hurt her and didn't help her self confidence.  She loved football, high school, college, and NFl.  Her dad was the High School football coach, so all the football players thought of her as one of them, or like a little sister. Would talk x's and o's with her, and stats, and players.  She loved watching basketball as well. She would watch the college and pro games with all the guys who were her friends.  She was one of them.

Sydney didn't matter which guy she would get a crush on, he would treat Sydney good, but it was always clear that he or no guy saw Sydney as dateable or as a potential girlfriend.  She was one of them.  Someone to go to for advice on their girlfriends, or someone to ask to help them get a date with one of her friends.   Sydney accepted it, and just believed it was cause she was unlovable. And plain looking, or downright ugly.   So when her parents were both killed, Sydney wished that she would have been killed with them.  

Sydney decided after high school, she wanted become a cop because of what happened to her parents.   She wanted stop this from happening to other families.  So after graduating, she joined police academy. She graduated top of her class, and was very smart.  At her first unit, it didn't  go well, she was the only female officer, and all the other officers just treated her like she was a sex object, and that she didn't belong on the force.  They made rude comments, and hurt her feelings. They excluded her, and made her want to quit the force.  She decided that she guessed she wouldn't be able to be a cop, cause she couldn't take all the harassment.  So she went to her Captain to give her notice, and he felt bad for her.  He knew a place where he thought she would fit in.  The Jump Street undercover unit.  Sydney was hesitant but she decided she would at least go try it out.

When Sydney got to the chapel, she immediately bonded with Officer Judy Hoffs.  Judy and Doug and Harry had been there a year.  Judy and Sydney ended up going to lunch on Sydney's first day, and ended up then going shopping.  They found that they had a lot in common, from music, to sports they liked, to actors they loved, guys they thought were hot. Judy was so happy  to have a female on the force.

Doug and Harry both had girlfriends, which made Sydney feel better about working at Jump Street. Sydney was very worried about anyone finding out that she had never had a boyfriend.  She was ashamed of it, and felt like she didn't fit in anywhere in life.  Doug, Harry, and Judy all become close friends to Sydney. She felt like she finally had a place she could call home.

The four of them hung out together and met every week at the local bar Jake's.  They would celebrate cases, or big milestones, or commiserate if a case went bad, or if something bad happened to one of them.  They were like a family.   Sydney did feel uncomfortable any time they all brought dates, because she didn't have a date to bring.  Even though other guys in the unit and around town were asking her out, she always told them no.  She had given up hope of ever having love, and just felt like it would be totally obvious to a future date, that she had never been with a guy before, and she thought they would end up humiliating her, and telling everyone.

Judy had tried setting her up on a date with her boyfriend Marcus's little brother, and Sydney went, but it was a disaster.  Sydney was so nervous, and ended up freaking out thinking he was expecting a hookup after dinner.  So she insulted him and bolted.  

Sydney was at peace with her life.  She had 4 good friends, a job she loved, and was actually great at, she saw a long promising career in law enforcement, and had goals of becoming a Lieutenant, a life time in law enforcement.  Her Captain was like a father figure to her and to all of the young officers.  She felt like she was very blessed, with a great job, friends who were like family.  Not a day went by that she didn't mourn her parents or forget what happened to them, and she carried that pain and guilt deep inside of her.

She knew that all she was really missing was the one thing she had wanted her whole life, a real man of her own, who would truly fall in love with her, and want to marry her.  She had wanted to be married and have lots of kids, since she was a little girl almost.  Her favorite thing to play with her friends was house, with dolls, as babies.  It was painful for Sydney to watch her friends grow up to have that great love, boyfriends, dates, making love, marriages, babies.  All her good friends from high school were all married, she was bridesmaid in all the weddings, and aunts to all their little babies.  her heart broke a little with each wedding she attended, each baby shower, knowing that she would never get to experience any of that.  But she still felt blessed.

It's Monday morning and Officer Tom Hanson takes a shower, and puts on his full police uniform, gets in his dad's old Mustang, and drives off to Jump Street to talk to the Captain about joining the team.  Tom doesn't know it yet, but his life is about to change forever.    Officer Sydney Brady wakes up thinking it is just another day, eats her breakfast, takes a shower, changes into her shiny diamond denim  jeans, and blue silk shirt, and gets in her  blue Corvette to start a new week at work.

Sydney doesn't know it yet, but she is about to lay eyes on the man who is going to steal her heart.  What will happen when the two meet?  Will Sydney get that great love, marriage, and family that she has desperately craved since she was a child?  Or will  she once again get her heart broken by the new object of her affection?

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