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Tom meets with Doug and tells him that he has the guy who ordered the hit, not only that it's the guy who is selling arms to both sides, and he wants to follow this guy home and get the evidence.  Doug told him it doesn't work that way, need to tell Fuller, get a search warrant, that is the law.  Tom said won't work because he will split. Know we are on to him. He doesn't just want the guy who pulled the trigger, he wants the guy who ordered it.

Doug said, "Hanson, how are you holding up, I mean with this having to shoot Sydney."  Tom said, "makes me sick."  Doug said, "how did you manage to keep your cool."  Tom said, "I don't know. My heart was racing, I felt sick, and was trying hard to not explode, not walk over there to that asshole, and grab him out of his car, beat the shit out of him,"  Doug said, "you did good keeping your cool."  Tom said, "I figured I had to, I mean if I don't do it, someone else will, and they will take a real hit on her."

Doug goes to Judy's.  Sydney is already in bed.  Doug and Booker get into it. Booker knew Doug had met with Tom.  Judy went in to check on Sydney.

Dennis said, "Penhall I get that Hanson is your friend, so no disrespect, but I'm not cool with this" Doug said, "Booker relax, the plan will work." Booker said, "I wish I had your confidence, but Hanson is a screw up. Everything he touches he screws up. What happens if he messes up, really shoots her."  Doug said, "Come on Booker. Hanson would never do that; He is going to take the bullets out."  Dennis said, "right, but what happens if they won't let him use his gun. What happens then Penhall."  He is shouting.  Doug said, "Will you keep your voice down. Sydney doesn't need to hear this.  You are out of your mind if you think Hanson would walk up there with their gun and shoot her. He would shoot all of them and call for backup, blow his cover before he would do that. I know you hate the guy; I know you hate it that Sydney took him back and is going to marry him. But give him a break."  Booker said, "yeah you're right I hate him, and Sydney is too good for him, but he's a screw up, and I'm not ok with putting her life on the line like this."  Doug said, "well what do you suggest. I mean if Hanson doesn't do it, then they get a guy who will, and he won't be using blanks."  Judy came out.  She said, "will you please keep your voices down, she can hear you fighting. Last thing she needs to know if you think he will screw up and shoot her." Judy said, "I know you're scared, but Hanson will not mess this up. Doug is right, he would shoot them, and scream for help before he would walk up with their gun. They have no reason to suspect him. The plan will work."

Tom goes home.  He calls Sydney on the burner.  He said, "hey baby I hope I didn't wake you" She said, "no I can't sleep without you holding me."  Tom said, "Sydney you aren't scared that I will miss and really shoot you right. You do trust me."  

Sydney said, "Tommy I'm not scared. I trust you with my life."  Tom said, "I hate this. But this is the only way. I love you. I miss you so much."  Sydney said, "I miss you. Will you talk to me, until we go to sleep."  Tom said, "yeah of course."   Sydney said, "What should we talk about?"  Tom said, "I have a perfect subject. How about we talk about how I am the luckiest man in the world, to convince the most beautiful girl in the universe to marry me and spend the rest of her life with me."  Sydney said, "can we talk about our wedding."  Tom said, "yes I'd love that."  Sydney said, "Judy bought some bridal magazines."  Tom said, "did you see any dresses you liked" Sydney said, "yes, some. At least to get an idea. I talked to your mom after I saw some, and she said that she will take me to shop, me and Judy, your mom insists that she is paying Tommy. But I feel I need to" Tom said, "absolutely not. Let my mom do this please. She really wants to. And I mean I'm her only child, and this is my only wedding."  Sydney said, "Ok."  Tom said, "Well, not my only wedding."  Sydney said, "Say what Hanson" He laughed. He said, "I mean I think since you are definitely going to be so beautiful walking to me, I may want to watch you over and over, and marry you every year."

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