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The next 7 months were a struggle for both Sydney and Tom.  

Tom hated everything about the hospital he was in.  He was determined to stick it out, but it was hard.  The counseling sessions took everything out of him. Left him exhausted.  It was hard enough talking about what happened to him, what could have happened to him in prison, which Tom hated revealing that to another person.

But the counselor wanted Tom to delve into his relationship with Sydney. Why he was so afraid to tell her he loved her, why he sabotaged his relationship with her, over and over to the point that he lost her.  That was harder for Tom to talk about than the prison.

The doctor also wanted Tom to talk about why Tom broke all the rules, how he put himself in that position to be framed, why he didn't follow the chain of command.

And last wanted him to talk about his anger and bitterness about his dad being murdered, and forced him to admit that he's angry at his dad for getting shot and leaving him and his mom.

Tom has had a few setbacks. He has had some terror attacks and he got violent with the staff when they were trying to help him, calm him down.  He attacked two of the guards, and so he lost his phone privileges.  Which made him very angry, and led him to verbally be combative with the doctor and the staff.

Sydney was struggling in this pregnancy.  She needed Tom.  She wanted him to get help, but she had expected he would be home within a couple months.  The fact that he was still gone, and she was so sick.

She was doing everything the doctor said, desk duty, cut back on her days and the hours she worked, eating healthy, her prenatal vitamins, and her protein shakes, even though she hated the taste.  

But the morning sickness would not stop.  She thought after the first trimester, it would lessen, but it seemed to have increased.  She was throwing up every day, and it was taking everything out of her.  She was losing nutrients and fluids, and all of the stress and worry about why she is still so sick, is the baby ok, just took it's toll on her.

All the guys, Adam, and Judy were so supportive and helped her so much.   Going to get her food, taking her to the hospital, the doctor. Which she was grateful for.  But she wanted Tom.  She needed him.  She knew it wasn't his fault, but still he is missing the pregnancy, and now she even wonders if he is going to be here for the birth.  

The doctor was concerned with her being so sick, she told her that the baby was fine, but that she was just one of those women who had severe nausea with the pregnancy, and she wanted her to start going to the hospital every other day to get IV treatment, and fluids.  

Dennis, Harry, or Doug or Judy would take her, and wait with her in the ER room.    Harry had came back to work, but he wasn't ready to do cases. He was going through a lot of PTSD, about being shot, being in a coma, almost dying. Adam wanted him to take a break, so he gave him time off and Harry ended up taking a long trip.

They were down Dennis, Harry, and Sydney, and Tom for cases, Adam did bring in a replacement to help, and he was partnered with Judy.   Doug had a new partner as well.

Since they were busy at work with cases, and Dennis was free, he was doing some bouncer work for a bar downtown for a friend of his, so he worked nights.  Dennis ended up being the one to take Sydney to all her doctor appointments, and the ER.

Jackie didn't like it, she was jealous, she was mad at Tom for being gone. She would gripe to Dorothy and Dennis about it, saying it's his baby, his wife, Hanson should be here to take care of her.

Sydney told Dennis she was sorry that Jackie was fighting with him over it, and he asked her how she knew about that, and she said Judy mentioned it because Dorothy was yelling at Doug at the chapel, and Judy overheard.  Dennis said not to worry.

21 JUMP STREET LOVE WITH TOM HANSONTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang