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I know this was Jenko case not with Fuller, but I am changing it up.

Sydney and Tom were back to hanging out all the time, but Sydney never would go over to Tom's and would not let him give her his key.  

The next case Sydney and Judy were paired together to be sent into an all girls Catholic school, because someone was setting fires, and no one had got hurt yet, but they were worried.

When Fuller gave them the case, the guys were all in the meeting, and Doug and Harry were saying we are going to really enjoy your case ladies.  Judy and Sydney said why, and Doug said "I can't wait to see you in those short little Catholic girl uniforms"  Tom shot Doug a look.

Doug and Harry laughed at Tom's reaction.  Harry said "oh Hanson we know you gonna enjoy it too"  Sydney and Judy laughed.

The first week that they were in the school, there was another fire started.  Sydney was actually in the office, when she heard the fire alarms sound and they were rushed out of the school.  Sydney was trying to call Judy on her cell phone to make sure that she was somewhere out on school grounds, but Judy wasn't picking up.

Sydney started to panic, was running around the school building looking for Judy, and calling.  Sydney called Tom.  Tom was doing a case with Doug in a different high school.  Tom said "hey Syd can I call you back I'm in middle of class"  She said "Tom there is a fire and I can't find Judy"  Tom said  "ok I'm on the way."  Tom got up and told the teacher that he had to go, there was an emergency with his mom, and she needed him home, firetrucks coming.  Doug looked at Tom.  Doug and Tom were playing brothers, so Doug left with Tom.

On way out they were running to Tom's car.  Doug said "Hanson so another fire"  Tom said "yeah and Sydney can't find Judy" Doug said "I'll call Fuller and Harry"  Tom called Sydney back.  He said "Dammit I should have told her not go back in building. God I hope she wouldn't do that. Let the firemen do their job"

Sydney answered.  Tom said "Hey baby don't go back in that building ok"  She said "I'm not I tried but they won't let me through."  He said "you find Judy"  Sydney said "No Tommy and I'm scared she's still not answering her phone"  He said "ok well don't assume the worst, maybe she is helping ok. I mean do you even know where the fire started"  Sydney said "no I can't get any information."  Tom said "ok I'm on way ok, and Doug is calling Fuller and Harry.  Where are you at?"

Sydney said "We are all out in front of the school. I walked around whole building but I can't find her. I'm scared Tommy."  Tom said "I'll be there soon"  Sydney said "ok"  Tom pulled up and called Sydney to tell her they were there.  She said she would look for him.  Doug spotted her and Tom went up to her.  He held her and she cried on his shoulder.  He was trying comfort her.

Fuller and Harry came up to them.  Fuller got a call.  He said "ok guys good news. That was Judy.  She is ok. She's in the school, and suffered some smoke inhalation, but she's going to be ok.  The emt's are working on her and going to take her to hospital for ER Treatment."  Tom said "why don't we leave and head there so we are there when she gets there."  Sydney said "ok thanks can I ride with you"  Tom said "sure how bout I drive your car and Doug can drive mine"  

At ER they let them all in the cubicle with Judy.  Sydney hugged her first, then the guys did. Tom, Doug and Harry made sure she was ok, then started teasing her.  Tom said "I think your new nickname should be Smokie"  Everyone laughed.  Tom waited with Sydney out in waiting room, holding her hand.

Tom was worried about Sydney being on the case.  They left after they were sure Judy was ok.  Fuller was going to drive Judy home.  Harry was going to stay with her make sure she was ok.

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