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Tom said, "Sydney can I get you anything to eat or to drink?"  Sydney said, "I am starving."  Tom said, "are you still having those weird cravings." She laughed.  She said, "yes your daughters definitely love spicy food."  Tom laughed.  He said, "do you want me to go out and get you something."  Sydney said, "no I don't want you to leave me."  Tom said, "do you want me to call Doug see if he could make a food run for us?"  Sydney said, "I hate to bother him. Dorothy is being  such a bitch about it. Griping at him for all the time he's spent over here."  Tom said, 'That figures."

Sydney said, "actually just a sandwich will do Tommy. Unless you are hungry or are wanting to get away from me. I wouldn't blame you"  Tom said, "no I don't want to leave you, and I'm hungry but not for anything special. I could order delivery"  Sydney said, "That sounds good, Chinese food sounds great."  Tom said, "Chinese food it is."  Tom called and ordered it. They said it would be about an hour.  Tom said, "Can't you be here any sooner, sorry I have a pregnant wife, she needs to eat."  Sydney said, "Tommy it's fine."

Sydney said, "Tommy how are you? I feel bad. I should be taking care of you."  She ran her hands through his hair.  Tom said, "I'm fine. I need to be taking care of you."  He kissed her.

Tom said, "how's your back, do you want another back rub?"  Sydney said, "it's starting to hurt again, I'd love a back rub. Your hands are magical."  He smiled.  He said, "let me get behind you. Lean back into me ok."  She did.  Tom massaged her shoulders and back.

Sydney said, "That feels so good."

Sydney said, "Tommy will you just hold me."  Tom said, "I'd love to."  Tom laid down and she put her head on his chest.  He was stroking her hair. Kissing her cheek.

Sydney said, "Tommy you don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to. but I'll listen if you. You said that counseling was brutal. Did they hurt you? I have been so worried about you, what they were doing to you."

Tom said, "no they didn't hurt me. "  Sydney said, "I hated it that they put you in strait jacket."  Tom said, "yeah I hated that, I was in one of my rages, and it took like 3 guys to subdue me, I wanted to get out of it, and I fought them on it.  When they took my phone away and I couldn't call you I wanted to kill them I was so angry and upset."  Sydney said, "I'm so sorry that they treated you so bad."

Tom said, "actually the staff all the guys were pretty nice. And I deserved it. I mean I attacked them. They were trying to protect me as well as them. I mean if I would have not been restrained and hurt or killed one of them, I'd have been right back in prison."  Sydney said, "I know. still I hated to think about you being treated like that."

Tom said, "Sydney I can talk about it, if you want to know, or have questions"

Sydney said, "it's up to you. If you don't want to talk about it, it's fine."  Tom said, "it's not something I really want to talk about or think about, but you have every right to know. I'll tell you about it."

Tom kissed her head.  Tom said, "first the counseling sessions were brutal. I hated them. They went on for hours, and then like we had breakfast, then morning session, then lunch, then afternoon session, and then sometimes workbook answers to do. The room was cool. I mean it looked more like a hotel suite than a hospital room"  Sydney said, "That's good at least."

Tom said, "yeah, I had a couch, a chair, a nice bathroom, a nice bed.  We could watch a little bit of tv, they controlled what we could watch, and how long, the tv was turned on by a remote that was kept with one of the staff."  Sydney said, "Dang. controlling"  Tom nodded.

Tom said, "because they didn't want guys slacking off, I mean every guy who is there is there for a reason, they need help dealing with their past, their pain, their trauma, and if they are just sitting watching tv all day or playing games on the phone, they aren't going to ever get to come home. The sessions are brutal, and you dread each one, so you'd rather just sit and watch tv rather than have to bare your soul like that."

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