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Sydney took off the next week, she was so sick, throwing up, but just so exhausted, and stressed out.  Tom's mom wanted her to come home and stay with her, so Sydney did that.  She stayed a week.

Sydney was so worried about Tom. I mean inmates hate cops, and she was worried about him.  She wished that Tom would change his mind and let her come to visit him, but in his letters, he was adamant she was not coming. He had been there a week and had written every day.

She went back to work the next week.  Adam asked her if she should be here, he was worried about her.  He didn't want her getting hurt so he wasn't going to put her on a case, just desk duty. She agreed to it.  She told Judy that she is going to find out who did this, and free Tom.  Doug had heard her and told her Hanson made it clear she was not to do that, but she told him Doug had two choices, he could help her, or she would do it on her own.  He said he would help her, but Hanson is going to kill him.  Nothing can happen to you Sydney. Tom can't handle that.

Sydney was so relieved when she got her first call from Tom.  It had been 2 weeks.  She saw that it was the prison on her caller id, she said "hello" Tom said, "hey baby how are you" Sydney said, "Tommy I'm ok. How are you ?"  Tom said, "I'm ok. Don't worry about me. Adam hasn't put you back on cases yet has he?"  Sydney said, "no he asked me to just do desk duty" Tom said, "And you agreed to it."  Sydney said, "yes."  Tom said, "maybe I'm just dreaming this phone call."  She laughed.  So did he.  Tom said, "Sydney I know you'd rather be on a case, oh no"

 Sydney said, "what."  Tom said, "you agreed to it, so that you can secretly work behind Adam's back."  Sydney said, "Tommy I don't know what you are talking about."  Tom said, "Sydney, I told you I want you to stay out of this. I don't want you trying to find out who killed Tower. I am serious. I can't take you getting hurt. This is too dangerous. You could be shot again They put out a hit on you twice, whoever killed Tower framed me, would definitely not hesitate to kill you to keep you from finding out who did this."  

Sydney said, "Tom I'm fine. Please don't worry about me. I don't want to waste our time arguing. I miss you so much. Every hour. I agreed to Adam's suggestion because I can't hardly focus, I just am so worried about you. I wouldn't want to get someone hurt because I'm not thinking clearly."

Tom said, "I am fine. But I miss you every single minute."  

Sydney said, "are the guards protecting you, keeping inmates away from you." 

 Tom said, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

  Sydney said, "That's not an answer."  Tom said, "Sydney I'm ok. I love you so much baby." 

 Sydney said, "I love you too. I know you didn't do this. And some way" Tom said, "Sydney, I want you to stay out of it. You hear me."  Sydney said, "I was going to say the truth will come out and set you free."  Tom said, "Thank you for loving me and believing in me."  

Sydney said, "I need to see you Tommy. I want to make sure you are ok."  Tom said, "No you can't come here. I told the warden you are not allowed to visit. I mean it."  Sydney said, "ok Tommy. I will stay away.  Thank you for writing me every day. I'd go crazy without your letters."  Tom said, "Thank you for writing me back every day.  Trust me. All I do in here is lie on my cot and think about you, dream about you. I love you so much. Words can't say. I'm so sorry for all the time I wasted, that we could have been together. Loving each other." 

 Tom said, "I got to go. Promise me you will take good care of yourself."  Sydney said, "I promise."  Tom said, "Are you eating good?"  Sydney said, "Tom, I'm trying. I will do better." He said, "how's Harry" Sydney said, "The same" Tom said, "I'm sorry. I love you baby. I got to go. My time is up. I'll call you next week ok. Same time" Sydney said, "ok I will be waiting, and I'm going to write you right now." He said, "I just mailed off a letter to you.  Tell my mom hi for me ok."  Sydney said, "I will I love you."  Tom said, "I love you."

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