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Dennis came by to pick up Sydney and Judy for the baby shower.  He said, "good morning."   Sydney gave him a look.    Dennis looked at Judy.  Judy laughed.  

Sydney said, "sorry, maybe I should just stay home. Judy you go on and have a good time."  Judy said, "Sydney you are the guest, the shower is for you."  Dennis said, "We can't have it without you."

Sydney said, "you would have a much better time without me. I'm not feeling good. My back is killing me, and my feet hurt. I can't get comfortable. I hate being bitchy and moody and either snapping at you or crying."

Judy said, "you're entitled to cry and snap at us. We understand."  Dennis said, "she's right. You look miserable, I mean"  Sydney cried.  She said, "I know I look hideous and ugly. I'm so fat and horrible. Disgusting."

Dennis said, "no that's not what I meant. I meant you look like you are miserable, like you don't feel good. And I can't imagine how much pain you are in. But you look beautiful. You could never look hideous."

Judy said, "I know you feel horrible, and you're in pain, but maybe it would help to just get out of this apartment for awhile. I'll bring your pillow's"  Sydney said, "ok thank you guys so much for putting up with me, and being here for me. I don't know what I'd do without you, since I don't have Tom. I don't know how I'm going to take care of both babies alone."  

Dennis said, "Honey you aren't alone."

Dennis helped Sydney get up off the couch.  She went to the bathroom and then they left.

Everyone welcomed her when they got there.  Doug came and gave her a hug.  Harry surprised her, he was back in town.  Harry came and gave her a hug. 

Adam wasn't there yet.  Doug said, "Adam texted that he is back from seeing his son, and he is on the way, he had to make a stop first, he said he had to pick up your present."

Sydney said, "That' sweet. Thank you all so much for this, oh my all these presents. Thank you for putting up with me. I know I"m so horrible to be around."

Judy said, "you don't feel good, these Hanson babies are sure letting their momma have it."

Sydney rubbed her stomach.  She said, "yes they are. I can't wait until I can see them. I'm so ready to have them."

Dennis said, "Judy put the pillows down, and I'll help you sit down."  Sydney said, "I need to go to the bathroom again."  Judy said, "I'll go with you."

Dennis said, "Dammit Doug, Hanson really needs to get back here. He needs to be taking care of his wife. Sydney feels horrible, and I'm sure it doesn't help her to worry he won't be here for the birth."

Doug said, "I know but he can't come home until he's cleared, and not a danger to Sydney."

Dennis said, "I know it. But dammit she needs him."

Dennis said, "oh word of warning Harry. Whatever you do, don't say Tom's name, unless Sydney says it."  

Harry said, "yeah Doug warned me about that. It upsets her."  Dennis said, "I can't blame her. She needs him and once again he's let her down. I tried to warn her to"  Doug said, "Booker we get it you hate Hanson, and you don't want Sydney with him, but she married him, and she's pregnant with his babies. Now here she comes so don't upset her."

Dennis helped Sydney sit down Judy had put a pillow in the chair, and then on the back of the chair.

Sydney let out a deep sigh of pain.  Doug said, "I'm sorry that you feel so bad Sydney."  Sydney said, "Thanks."  She rubbed her stomach.

Sydney said, "you all are so good to me, I don't deserve it."  She cried.

Judy hugged her.  She said, "yes you do. We know you don't feel good Sydney. Don't worry about it."

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