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Tom was hurt and mad that Jay was there, that Jay was one who took her to ER.  He was worried about Sydney, and mad at himself cause he knew that it was all his fault, that she got hurt hurt herself cause of him. He knew how important her job was to her, and he knew that she was probably devastated and worried about getting fired.  He knew what it was like to feel like you let down your team  and your boss all too well.  He was upset cause he figured she was crying and all upset and Jay was getting to comfort her, which led him to think of Jay and Sydney having sex.  Tom tried to block out those images.  He couldn't.  He sat in his car parked in front of her house.  He wanted to go in but he was worried that she would tell him to leave or not want to see him and he was afraid he would fight Jay and make things worse, and get fired. He kept looking at his watch thinking why isn't he leaving. Then he would say you know why. He's trying to get her into bed. I can't just sit out here and let him do that. I'm going to have to just go in and put a stop to it.  If she tells me to leave then I don't know what I will do, but I can't just sit out here while they have hot sex.

Tom went to the door. He was upset when no one answered, afraid that he was too late.  But then Jay answered the door.  He said "Hanson"  Tom walked in.  He said "I heard Sydney had to go to ER. I came to check on her"  Jay said "she's asleep."  Tom was pissed.  He said "Then what are you doing here"  Jay said "Hanson you better cut the attitude with me, this is all your fault"  Tom said "if she's in bed why are you still here"  Jay said "I told her I'd stay awhile make sure she's ok.  The pain meds and the shot they gave her made her feel sick and sleepy, I just wanted make sure she didn't need anything"

Tom said "well you can go now I'm here"  Jay said "and this is Sydney's place so I'm not sure you have right to order me to leave"  Tom said "I guess you aren't aware but Sydney and I stay at each other's houses."  Jay said "yeah I'm aware of that"  Tom said "well then you can go. Like I said. I'm here. If she needs anything I will take care of her"  Jay said "Fine Hanson."  He left.

Tom said asshole you should be lucky I can't attack you or else.  Tom went and sat on the couch. He ended up falling asleep.  Sydney woke up and was thirsty, so she went into the kitchen to get some chocolate milk.

She saw Tom asleep on the couch.  She tried to be quiet but he heard her in the kitchen.  He said "Sydney"  She said "Sorry Hanson I tried to be quiet"  He said "no I' glad I woke up.  Hey baby how are you. I heard you hurt your hand"  She said "yeah"  He said "let me see it"  She lifted up her hand. He said "dammit baby that looks bad. What did they say?"  Sydney said "Well it hurts like hell, but they said it was a clean cut and that it was a good thing cause I just missed the nerve. I could have had nerve damage."  Tom said "oh my God I'm so sorry"  She said "I'm just clumsy."  

She said "hey can you please do me a favor and pour me my milk I'm not having much luck with this big bandage"  He said "yes sure" She said "Thanks"  Tom said "hey I um hope it's ok that I stay here I mean should I have asked"  Sydney said "no it's fine."  Tom said "ok good. I was really worried about you when Doug told me.  I went by the hospital but you had already gone, so I came over."

Sydney said "yeah tonight was a disaster. I got fired from my job. I'm a terrible bartender."  Tom said "I'm sorry"  Sydney said "I feel really bad that I let everyone down again"  Tom said "you didn't. So if you want to sit and talk"  Sydney said "thanks but actually I'm going to take my milk and go back to bed.  I'm still kind of sleepy the shots they gave me kind of made me light headed."

Tom said "ok good night. If you need anything just text me and I will bring it in"  Sydney said "ok thanks Hanson"  He said "sure"  She left.

Tom watched her walk to her bedroom.  He felt bad, knowing he had caused this. He was just trouble for her.

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