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Sydney could not get comfortable.  And she felt so hot.  Tom helped her get up to the couch, in the middle of the night, but that didn't help much. Tom turned the AC up more and it was freezing in there to him, but Sydney thought it was just right.

Sydney wasn't able to sleep very well Sunday night.

Monday was her doctor appointment.  She told Tom that her appointment was at 10, so they would need to leave around 9:15.    She went into the bathroom. 

Sydney wasn't feeling good. Worse than usual. She was so ready to have these babies, and now that Tom was home, she hopes that the month goes quickly.

They left, and Tom was already irritating her.  She knew it was just because she was hormonal and didn't feel good.  But it's like he is going 5 miles an hour.  She tried to stay quiet, and not say anything hoping he would drive faster.  Sydney looked at her watch. We are going to be late if he doesn't hurry up.

Sydney said, "Tom, is there something wrong with the car or what" Tom said, "no why?"  Sydney said, "it's like you are driving so slow are you what going even 10 miles an hour."  

Tom said, "Sydney I'm not going that slow. I'm just trying to be safe. I mean you and the babies."  Sydney said, "Tom we are going to be late. I don't want to be late for this appointment. If we are late, then we probably will have to sit there and wait and be pushed to a later time, and those chairs are little and uncomfortable. Please drive faster."

Tom said, "Sorry. I'm a little nervous. This is the first time I'm driving you with you being so heavily pregnant."  Sydney said, "I knew it. I knew you thought I was fat."  Tom said, "What no."  Sydney said, "you just said I'm heavy. Which I am. I probably hurt your back. I told you."  Tom said, "no you didn't hurt my back, I didn't say heavy, I said heavily. Poor choice of words. I'm sorry. You are 9 months pregnant. The babies will come soon. I just this is my first time driving you and the babies."

Sydney said, "Well if you would have been here the last 7 months, then you would be used to it."  Tom didn't say anything.  He said, "I'm sorry."  Sydney said, "no I'm sorry Tom."  Tom said, "no don't be. You spoke facts. I'm sorry. I wanted to be here with you, taking care of you, helping you, but I messed up, like usual."  Sydney said, "Tom I'm sorry. I know that you wanted to be here.  And, I didn't say that. I told you I thought that you did the right thing not telling and getting the search warrant."  Tom said, "I don't want to make us late. I'll try and go a little faster. I'm just nervous."

We got there, and it was 9:50.  I said, "Well we are going to be late. I should have had us leave at 9" Tom said, "Sydney we are here."  Sydney said, "yeah but it takes me awhile to get out of the car, then if you park and let me off at the door, so that I don't have to walk far, I'll have to wait for you to get a parking spot."  Tom said, "I'm sorry Sydney."  Sydney said, "it's ok. Just can you please hurry and park. I don't want to stand here by myself for a long time. I could just go on in, but you've never been here before so you wouldn't know where to go."

Tom said, "I'm sorry."  Sydney said, "Tom stop saying that. I know you're sorry. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I don't feel good, and I'm moody. I'm sorry."  Sydney cried.  Tom said, "it's ok. Don't apologize Sydney. I know you don't feel good."

Tom couldn't find a close parking space.  He finally got one, and then some guy cut him off and took it.  Pissing Tom off.  He honked at him, and then flipped the guy off, yelling at him.  Dammit Hanson he mutters. Sydney is really going to be upset with you, and I can't blame her.

Tom parked and then ran to the door.  Sydney was standing against the door.  Tom said, "Baby I'm so sorry."  Sydney gave him a look.  It was already getting hot out.  She was hot, and not in a good mood. She didn't plan on having to wait a long time for him to park.

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