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Tom and I were sitting on the floor playing with the girls.  Elicia and Alicia have so many toys already and have dolls and toys waiting for them when they get older.

It's hard to resist buying everything cute that we see.

The doorbell rings.  Tom kisses me, on the head and Alicia, and takes Elicia with him to the door.

It was Adam.  Tom lets him in, Adam says hi to Tom, and then is talking to Alicia.  Making her laugh.

I get up with Elicia.  I said, "hi Adam."

He said, "hey Sydney. I'm sorry to barge in like this."

Tom said, "it's fine. Come sit down."

Adam went and sat in the recliner.  I said, "Can I get you some coffee or water?'

Adam said, "no thanks I'm fine. I won't take up much of your time. I just wanted to give you this."

He handed me an envelope.  I said, "What's this?"

Adam said, "just open it."

Tom came over by me with Alicia.  I opened the envelope and Elicia took it.  She was trying to put it in her mouth.  Tom pulled it away from her.  Alicia was trying to touch the envelope too, and Elicia was pulling it from her.  Studying it.

Tom said, "ah a new toy. Momma why do we buy toys, when they would rather have things like an envelope."  We laughed.

I took out the paper and read it.  I looked at Tom. Then at Adam.  Adam smiled.

Tom said, "Baby what does it say?"  

I showed it to him.  I said, "I can't believe it."

Tom read it.  Tom had a huge grin on his face.  He said, "Baby I knew. You did it. Congratulations Detective Hanson. I'm so proud of you Sydney." He hugged me.

Adam said, "Congratulations Sydney. I did not have any doubts."

Tom said, "you not only aced the test, but was the top score. I'm so proud of you Sydney."

I said, "Thank you Tom. Adam. I just can't believe it. I thought I would fail."

Tom said, "I told you not to think like that."

Adam said, "Have you thought about my offer, to help me more with more of an administrative role, rather than cop?"

I said, "yes sir."

Adam said, "that way you could bring your girls to work, and still work from home part of the time. I know that as important as your job is, you have a much more important job and that is being a mom. You don't want to miss any time with your girls, and I think that we can accommodate you, so that you won't have to."

After Adam left. Tom texted Judy and Harry and Doug to tell them I made Detective. He texted Judy and told her he wanted to plan a surprise party for me. To celebrate.

His mom said she would help Judy.  It was going to be on Wednesday night.  

I have been so exhausted. It's like I can't get enough sleep. Even if I go to bed early. And lately feeling sick. Not all the time, and it's not bad, it's just usually when I'm changing the diapers.  The smells really getting to me.  I have to hold my breath. I guess that is just part of being a parent.  Some of them Tom changes, and he holds his breath as well.

I took the day off work. Not even going to work from home. I thought maybe that was just what I needed. To stay home and rest with Tom and the girls. 

So far today, it's been a peaceful day. I'm feeling much better. When the girls went to sleep, Tom and I cuddled on the couch. Made out and then took a nap. I feel much better now.

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