Valentine's Day Mix-Up

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Note: The first part of this story was written by __BR__ two years ago. This is my interpretation of what happened next. Shu and Valt may be OOC.

Shu Kurenai wondered what was going on. Valt Aoi, his best friend, had written him a love letter? That was sweet of Valt and all that, but he was already taken!

Now he was sitting at the Beypark waiting for Valt to arrive so that they could battle together. Soon, Valt had arrived.

"Oh, Shu, you're already here. Let's battle!"

Shu couldn't stop himself from blushing as he said, "Uh, Valt, I understand how you feel but it's so sudden and I... I don't even know what to tell you..."

Oblivious to what was going on, Valt asked, "Hm? What?"

"I know that it's sweet of you to write that love letter to me, but I didn't know you felt that way and... You know I have a girlfriend now so... So... I'm just so confused. I don't like you that way, but..."

"Whoa, slow down," said Valt. "I'm lost. Love letter? I never wrote you a love letter. Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes. No. I don't know," said Shu. "But if you didn't write that love letter, then who did?"


"You were delivering a love letter for Rose? Why didn't you say that it was from her?"

Suddenly, realization dawned on Valt's face. Then he burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha! Oh, it was a love letter! I should have known! Oh, and you thought that it was from me! And you thought that I wrote you a love letter? I can barely write a proper Mother's Day card."

"Wait what?" Shu stopped blushing. "That letter wasn't from you? And you didn't know the contents?"

"Of course, it would have been very rude to peek inside my sister's letter. She wouldn't tell me what was in it."

"Wait, Nika sent me a love letter?" Shu was blushing even more than ever.

Valt giggled. "Yeah. I was going to tell you, but I was so sleepy that I forgot. Did I alarm you?"

"Alarm me? Valt, I almost had a heart attack. How would I tell Rose that you sent me a love letter? Wait, Nika has a crush on me?"

"Must be, or else she wouldn't have written you a love letter in the first place."

Shu sighed. "Well, that's a relief. For a moment I thought that..."

"It's Shu Kurenai!" came a female's voice. "The cutest boy in the world!"

The two boys looked at each other in horror. "Uh oh," said Shu. "I forgot all about my fangirls over the love letter confusion."

Shu's fangirls seemed to magically appear from thin air as they ran towards the duo waving flowers and chocolates. Both of the boys ran away at once.

"Shu! Would you be my date for Valentine's Day?"

"Please battle me!"

"Be my boyfriend, Shu!"

Valt looked back in surprise. When Shu first started getting popular, he had felt a little envious of the attention his best friend was receiving. But now he was glad that he wasn't famous (that is, until he became world champion).

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the two best friends had finally managed to escape the fangirls.

"Thank goodness," said Shu. "I was starting to think that I would never escape them."

"Yeah," said Valt. "Maybe we should try and have our battle in the school gym."

Later that evening, Shu went home tired, but happy that he got to spend some time with his best friend. He checked his mailbox to see if there were any more love letters from random fangirls.

He only found a pink card that smelled like roses and a small box of heart candies. Shu opened the card.

What he read inside made him blush again, but this time in a good way. The card was from his girlfriend Rose.

Shu suddenly realised that he hadn't gotten a Valentine's Day gift for Rose. He groaned. "Gosh, what's wrong with me?"

To __BR__, in case you're confused, Rose is an OC of mine who is Shu's love interest.

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