Sleepover Disaster

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Note: Sequel to Sleepwalking. The beyclub may be OOC. All interactions between Valt and Shu will be platonic.

Valt Aoi wondered why Shu wasn't answering his doorbell. 'Hello?' he asked. 'Are you there?'

Just then, Shu Kurenai opened the door. He looked like he had just woken up. 'Sorry,' he apologized. 'I haven't been sleeping well lately.

Valt looked inside Shu's place. 'Wow, this place is messier than my room,' he said.

Shu groaned. 'I know. But I don't understand how the mess has been created. I don't remember throwing the books on the ground, leaving plates around, or leaving the cushions on the ground.'

Valt suddenly realized how Shu had created the mess. He must have done it in his sleep!

A few weeks ago, Valt had discovered that Shu was a sleepwalker at a sleepover. He had decided to not tell his best friend about it. But it was clear that Shu's sleepwalking was getting out of control.

But how could Valt convince Shu that he had walked in his sleep? Shu wouldn't know a thing he did.

'Shu, have you been stressed lately?' asked Valt.

Shu gave Valt a confused look. 'Why do you ask that?' he asked.

'Er... no reason,' said Valt.

'You're hiding something from me,' said Shu.

Valt felt really uncomfortable. How could he explain Shu's sleepwalking to him? The whole story sounded so ridiculous that even Valt himself wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't witnessed the whole thing.

Without another word, Valt ran off. He just didn't have the guts to tell Shu about his sleepwalking.

For the next few days, Valt avoided Shu, much to the latter's confusion. Everyone noticed the odd way Valt was behaving and asked him if he was alright.

It wasn't until a fateful sleepover when everything spilled out. The whole beyclub went to a sleepover at Wakiya Murasaki's house.

Shu still was wondering why Valt had acted odd that day when he came over to his apartment. Something was not right there. But Valt flatly refused to say a word.

The beyclub had fun that night playing Truth or Dare and Charades. Daigo even decided to dare Shu to prank call Lui Shirosagi. Nervously, Shu dialed Lui's number and pretended to be a delivery guy. Everyone else found it so funny that they burst into laughter the second Shu ended the call.

'Guys, this isn't funny,' said Shu. 'I could get into serious trouble if Lui figures out that it is me.'

'But it was hilarious to think of Lui trying to puzzle this out,' said Rantaro.

'All right, it was a little funny,' admitted Shu.

When everyone went to bed, it was around midnight. However, little did they know that none of them will be getting much sleep at all.

Wakiya heard a noise at one in the morning and woke up. He saw Shu go out of the door.

Where does Shu think he's going at this time at night? thought Wakiya. He decided to follow him.

Wakiya caught Shu facing the wall. 'What are you doing?' he asked.

There was no response from Shu, which annoyed Wakiya a lot. 'Hello, I am talking to you,' he said.

'Hey! We can all hear you, Goldilocks!' called out Rantaro. He, Daigo, and Valt were all awake. 'What are you doing in the corridor at this time of the night?'

'Sorry, but Shu is acting weird,' said Wakiya. 'I can't get a response out of him.'

Valt suddenly realized what was going on. He grabbed Shu's hand.

Sure enough, Shu followed Valt obediently with glassy eyes and stiff movements. The others gasped when they saw his condition.

'Why does Shu look and act so weird?' asked Daigo.

'Shu is sleepwalking and has no idea what is going on,' said Valt. 'He did it once during a sleepover with only the two of us.'

'Does Shu know about this?' asked Wakiya.

'No,' said Valt. 'How can you tell someone that you have seen them sleepwalking?'

'Well, I think that Shu should know,' said Rantaro. 'What if he does something dangerous while sleepwalking? Like fall down the stairs or jump out of a window?'

Valt bit his lip. 'I have never thought of that,' he said. 'But how do I tell him? I daren't wake him up. Mom told me to never wake up a sleepwalker.'

'Why? What happens?' asked Rantaro.

'The sleepwalker can get disoriented,' said Valt.

'Can you cure sleepwalking?' asked Daigo.

'I don't know,' said Valt.

No one realized that Shu had started walking away from them again. However, he ended up stepping on a pillow left on the ground and slipped, falling backwards. Shu hit the ground and sat up at once.

'Shu!' called out everyone else.

Shu sat up and looked around in shock. 'Where am I?' he asked. 'Why am I sitting on the ground?'

Everyone else looked at each other uncomfortably. It was clear that Shu was awake now.

Shu groaned and held his head with a hand. 'Why do I feel so dizzy?'

'I think that you should lie down,' said Daigo.

'But how did I end up here?' asked Shu. 'I don't remember getting here.'

'I can't take it anymore!' said Valt. 'Shu, you're a sleepwalker.'

'I'm a what?' asked Shu.

Valt told Shu everything. Shu just stared at his best friend in shock and disbelief. He suddenly understood how his apartment was always messy.

'Valt, why didn't you tell me earlier?' asked Shu.

'I...I didn't know how to tell you,' said Valt. 'I didn't think that you would believe me.'

'Valt, you know that I will always believe you, no matter how impossible your stories sound.'

'I'm sorry,' said Valt. 'I should have told you.'

'Well, I think that you should try to handle your sleepwalking problem,' said Rantaro. 'What if you accidentally sleepwalk to somewhere dangerous?'

'Don't worry,' said Shu. 'I will be careful.'

'Well, I think that we should all try to get some sleep,' said Wakiya. 'I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm exhausted.'

Everyone felt tired, so they went back to bed. But none of them felt like getting up the next day.

It was somewhere around ten in the morning when they all dragged themselves out of bed. At first, they all wondered if the events of the previous night had been a dream. But when everyone seemed to remember what had happened, it was clear that it had really happened.

As the days went on, Shu tried to prevent himself from having any sleepwalking accidents. He started locking his door at night and tried to prevent overworking himself to prevent sleepwalking. But one night he woke himself up when falling over his bag.

'It's no use,' he told his friends one day. 'I can't stop myself from sleepwalking. My body seems to have a mind of its own.'

'Don't worry,' said Valt. 'We will help you with your condition.'

'Valt, can you sleep over at my house tonight?' asked Shu. 'I don't want to trip over anything else.'

'No problem,' said Valt. 'I won't let you do anything dangerous.'

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