The Perfect Gift

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Cassie Banter was surprised to see her best friend Susan James with a hand made card. 'Is someone's birthday coming up?' she asked.

'No, this Sunday's Mother's Day,' said Susan.

Cassie groaned. 'Oh no, I forgot.'

'How can you forget Mother's Day?' asked Susan.

'My birth mother never celebrated Mother's Day,' said Cassie. 'Besides, it's quite difficult to appreciate someone who ignores you.'

'I don't blame you,' said Susan. 'Well, are you going to celebrate Mother's Day with your adoptive mother?'

'Of course,' said Cassie. 'She has tried to give me the best she could. I want to let her know how thankful I am. What do you usually give your Mom on Mother's Day?'

'Sometimes I will make her a homemade card,' said Susan. 'Last year I tried baking chocolate chip cookies for her, but I almost burnt the house down.'

'Well, I have to find a present fast,' said Cassie.

'Relax,' said Susan. 'I'm sure that she'll like anything you get her.'

Cassie was very determined to find the perfect gift for her adoptive mother. She considered her options. Unlike Susan, Cassie wasn't very good in making cards and stuff like that. She couldn't cook either. She considered picking flowers to give Mrs Banter, but she was worried that the flowers may get a bit messy.

Cassie groaned. Who would have imagined that presents could be so stressful?

Cassie decided to clear her head by strolling in the shopping mall. However, she quickly regretted the decision as several people kept coming up to her and asking how it felt to survive a suicide attempt.

Great. Like I need any reminding of that again, thought Cassie. She was tempted to shut out everyone. But the voices got louder and louder until Cassie couldn't take it anymore. She started screaming her head off.

'Whoa there,' said a man. 'What has gotten into you?'

'Just leave me alone!' yelled Cassie. She ran off into the distance. She just wanted to go home.


Mrs Banter knew the minute she arrived home that her adopted daughter had something on her mind. She was lying face down on the couch and her pale blond hair was really messed up. Cassie never let her hair go out of place.

'Sweetie, is everything alright?' asked Mrs Banter.

'No,' came a small, squeaky voice. Cassie had long learned that it was no good trying to hide her emotions from her adoptive mother. Mrs Banter could read her like a book.

'Is it something in school?' asked Mrs Banter.

'No,' said Cassie.

'Did you get a poor mark in a test?' asked Mrs Banter. That didn't have a high probability of happening since Cassie was actually pretty smart, but Mrs Banter couldn't think of anything else.

'No,' said Cassie. 'Random people were questioning me about the day I tried to kill myself.'

'Oh,' said Mrs Banter.

Cassie sat up. Her eyes were red from crying and her makeup was a runny mess. 'Mom, I want to forget that day, but no one seems to get that.'

'Cassie, I know it seems annoying that people don't seem to get your struggles, but that's because they haven't any idea how you feel,' said Mrs Banter. 'The best thing you can do is to deal with it. But you don't have to do it alone. I will be right with you every step of the way.'

Cassie hugged Mrs Banter. 'Mom, I don't know what I will do without you.'

'How about we get some pizza?' suggested Mrs Banter. 'It may cheer you up. And if anyone bothers you I'll make sure that they know that they're not wanted.'

Cassie smiled. An idea of what she was going to give her mother for Mother's Day was forming in her mind.


Mrs Banter woke up early that Sunday to hear faint music from Cassie's room. She decided to investigate.

To her surprise, she saw Cassie in her room playing My Love, My Life from Mamma Mia 2 on her phone. As soon as Mrs Banter entered the room, Cassie switched the music off. 'Mom, today is Mother's Day, and I want to make this a very special day, since this is our first Mother's Day together.'

Cassie showed her mother a video on her phone. The video was of Cassie speaking.

'Hi Mom. My name's Cassandra Banter, formerly Cassandra Trillin. Six months ago, you adopted me. You treated me like your daughter.

'These past few months made me happier than my entire life with my biological parents. You loved me in a way my biological parents did not. I wish that I have spent all of my life with you now. I love you with all of my heart. Happy Mother's Day.'

Mrs Banter felt very touched by Cassie's words. She gave her adopted daughter a hug. 'Oh thank you.'

Cassie smiled. It wasn't exactly a perfect present, but it made her Mom happy. And that made her happy too.

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