School Teachers

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Inspired by the above video. Again, the story will be using dialogue. This is what I think will happen if my OCs end up teaching.

Susan James 📘

Susan: Hello class! My name is Susan, but you can call me Miss Susan. And today I will be teaching you English.

Students: But we already know how to speak English.

Susan: Well, we will be looking at Literature today. Everyone, read Matilda.

Girl 1: Miss, I don't understand. Why is the principal a principal if she hates children?

Boy 1: Why hasn't Matilda been taken by CPS yet?

Susan: *Glasses fog up* I don't know. I didn't write the story.

Girl 2: Why does the father force Matilda to watch TV? Most parents make their kids study.

Susan: Because Matilda had bad parents. Her parents are an example of how not to treat your children.

Cassie Trillin/Banter👗

Cassie: My name is Cassandra. You can call me Miss Banter. I will be teaching you about Biology.

Boy 1: Is it scary? I heard that it is.

Cassie: No, not that part! I will be talking about animal and plant cells.

Cassie: *Draws a picture of an animal and plant cell*

Girl 1: Miss Cassie, your animal cell looks like an eye.

Boy 2: Yeah, and the edges of the plant cell are too sharp.

Cassie: I'm not an art teacher. Can we please get on with it?

Boy 1: Why are you teaching, anyway? You look too pretty to be a teacher.

Cassie: Excuse me?

Girl 2: Yeah. Why aren't you a supermodel?

Cassie: Because I don't want to be a supermodel! Why does everyone judge me by my appearance?

Jennifer Meyers 🐞

Jennifer: I'm your new Geography teacher. You may call me Miss Jennifer.

Girl 1: Ooh, my favourite subject.

Jennifer: So today we will be learning about Brazil. Brazil has a lot of rainfall and experiences high temperatures. It's a little wet.

Boy 1: Actually, I want to learn about Canada.

Jennifer: Fine. Canada has many mountains and lakes...

Girl 2: But I wanted to learn about Brazil!

Boy 1: But Canada is more interesting.

Girl 2: Brazil!

Boy 1: Canada!

Jennifer: Please settle down!

Ella Mallory 🫐

Ella: Good morning class. I'm Ella but you can call me Miss Ella. I will be teaching Math.

Boy 1: Why is your voice so soft?

Ella: Sorry, I am a little nervous. Let's just get on with the lesson. Now, what's 12 times 11?

Girl 1: 132!

Ella: That's correct. Now what's 5675 divided by 25?

Girl 2: It's 2728!

Ella: That's incorrect, unfortunately.

Boy 2: This is boring! Teach something instead of asking stupid questions!

Ella: I... I... *Starts to cry*

Amy: Hey, don't yell at my sister! You better hope that I don't tell your parents!

Students: *Go silent*

Amy: Look, I'll take care of the class. You go now.

Ella: *Leaves*

Amy Mallory 🍒

Amy: I'm Amy and you must call me Miss Amy. I will be your PE teacher.

Boy 2: Girls can't teach PE!

Amy: Excuse me? Who do you think you are? You really have no respect for your teachers.

Girl 1: Can you really teach PE?

Amy: Go to the field and I'll show you.


Amy: First, we have to do warm-ups.

Boy 1: Can't we just play soccer?

Amy: We can play after we warm up. Now let's stretch.

Girl 2: But I don't want to do PE.

Boy 1: This is stupid. I want to play?

Amy: If you think that you're so tough, run five laps.

Boy 1: Easy peasy.

Ten minutes later...

Amy: Well?

Boy 1: *Lying on the ground* I take that back.

Victoria Franklin 🌈

Victoria: Hi. Call me Miss Victoria. I will be teaching culinary.

Girl 1: Yay! I love cooking.

Victoria: Alright. We will be making creme caramel. First, pour 105 grams of sugar and 30 ml of water in a saucepan. Then mix them and boil the solution until it turns brown.

Boy 1: *Simply dumps the ingredients without measuring them* Why isn't my caramel turning brown?

Victoria: Strange, it's bubbling. Turn down the heat.

Boy 1: *Turns down the heat*

Victoria: It's a solid bubbly thing. Now I have to throw the saucepan away.

Boy 2: That's what happens when you don't follow the instructions.

Part 2 with Amelia, Hope, Alyssa, Rose and Kairi coming soon!

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