Jealous Much?

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Note: Welcome to my new obsession: Jealous Shu! Thanks to vanshikakurenai2009 for giving me the idea. Not canon to Reincarnated in Beyblade Burst. Everyone may be OOC.

Shu Kurenai had no idea that he could be the jealous type. He usually didn't bother when people started paying attention to someone else other than him. That is, until he met Rose.

Rosalie Charmille, or just Rose, was different from any other girl Shu had met before. Most girls flirted with Shu because of his looks or his fame. But Rose was different. She genuinely liked him because of who he was as a person. They were good friends, but Shu wondered if they could be something more.

However, he wasn't certain that Rose liked him back. It seemed that she only saw him as a friend and nothing else.

The only person who knew about Shu's crush on Rose was his best friend, Valt Aoi. Valt always encouraged Shu to go and tell Rose how he felt.

'Valt, I'm not outgoing like you. I just can't tell Rose how I feel.'

'But if you don't tell her now, she'll never know,' said Valt.

Shu knew that Valt was right. But he just felt shy whenever he had to talk to Rose. It just felt so awkward.

One day, Rose didn't come to school. Her friend Kairi Ogawa said that Rose was home with the flu. Shu thought of bringing Rose some soup to make her feel better.

Rose was pleasantly surprised to have Shu visit her after school. 'Oh, is that soup?' she asked.

'Yeah,' said Shu. 'I hope that you like it.'

Shu blew on the soup gently before feeding it to her. He couldn't help it but stare into Rose's baby blue eyes all the time.

Just then, someone else rang Rose's doorbell. Surprised, Rose got up to answer.

'Whoa there,' said Shu. 'You should be resting.'

'I'll be fine,' said Rose. She slowly went downstairs to answer the door.

Outside was Valt, Rantaro Kiyama and Daigo Kurogami. 'Hi Rose,' said Valt. 'How are you feeling now?'

'A little better,' said Rose. 'Shu's looking after me.'

'Aww, that's nice,' said Valt. 'I brought beybread!'

It wasn't long before everyone was sitting on Rose's bedroom floor, talking.

Valt was asking Rose a billion questions. Rose was starting to feel that her head was spinning. That boy sure asked a lot of questions.

'Rose, what's the USA like?' asked Valt. 'Is it as great as it is in the movies?'

'Errrrrrr...' Rose had no idea how to answer.

Shu couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy whenever he saw one of the other boys talking to Rose. Oh dear, I didn't know that I can get so jealous. I know that Valt doesn't care about crushes, but I just can't help getting jealous of him.

Shu had no idea why he was suddenly jealous. He was never bothered by the number of friends Valt had. He didn't even mind if Valt talked to someone else, so why was Rose different?

Because you like her, Spryzen's voice said inside his head. Shu went red. He decided to talk to Rose alone.

'Rose, can I speak to you alone for a bit?' asked Shu.

'Sure,' said Rose. She followed Shu to the living room. 'What is it?'

As usual, Shu felt himself blushing around Rose, but he had to tell the truth.

'Rose, I... I...'

'You what?' asked Rose.

Poor Shu found that he was tongue-tied. Why did having a crush make you feel that you had lost your voice or your brain had turned into mush?

'I have a crush on you!' said Shu.

Rose looked surprised for a moment, but then she smiled. 'Funny you should say that. I have a crush on you too.'

'Do you mean it?' asked Shu.

Rose gave him a smile. 'Yeah,' she said.

Before they knew it, they were both kissing. Neither of them saw the other boys spying on them from behind a door.

'I ship it,' Valt whispered to the others.

Shu couldn't believe that he had been worried for nothing. Rose really did like him back!

However, Shu woke up the next day with a fever and a sore throat. How did this happen? he thought to himself.

You kissed someone who was sick. Of course you're sick now, said Spryzen. Shu flushed red.

'Okay, I get it,' he said. He hoped that people wouldn't find out about this.

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