The Mysterious Love Letter

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Note: This story was inspired by a Full House episode. Everyone may be OOC.

'I can't believe that Valentine's Day is soon,' said Ron Weasley excitedly.

'Why's that?' asked Hermione Granger.

'I don't know,' said Ron. 'It seems like no time since the Yule Ball. Admittedly that wasn't very fun, but time sure passes fast.'

Hermione rolled her eyes. She turned to Harry Potter. She saw him looking at Cho Chang at the Ravenclaw table.

'Are you going to ask Cho out on Valentine's Day?' asked Hermione.

'I...I don't know,' said Harry.

Ron looked up, his mouth full of food. He muttered something no one could understand.

'Ron, don't talk with your mouth full,' said Hermione.

Ron swallowed his food. 'Why don't you write a letter telling her how you feel?' he asked. 'That way, you won't have to worry about stuttering when you speak to her. You can also plan what to say.'

Harry wasn't sure about that. He still felt embarrassed about the time he received a singing Valentine from Ginny two years ago. 'Er, I would rather not,' he said. 'What if someone else reads it?'

'Well, it was just a suggestion,' said Ron. 'Oh well.'

What the Golden Trio didn't know was that Ron's twin brothers, Fred and George Weasley, had accidentally overheard them. And now those two pranksters were planning something.

'There,' said Fred two days later. 'This will definitely catch Cho's attention.

'Yeah,' said George. 'But if we give it to her, won't she think that it's from us?'

'Oh, shoot,' said Fred. 'I have never thought about that.

Just then, Lee Jordan came into the dorm room. 'Hi. Hatching a plan?' he asked.

'We're trying to figure out how to send a letter to Cho Chang from Ravenclaw and convincing her that Harry had sent it.'

'No one's at breakfast yet,' said Lee. 'Maybe if you're lucky, you can sneak the letter without anyone seeing you.'

'Brilliant!' said George. 'Bow we can get the letter to Cho.'

Unfortunately, the letter ended up in someone else's hands. The Weasley twins had forgotten to write Cho's name on the envelope, so when Roger Davies, the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain, saw the letter, he was surprised. He wondered if Fleur Delacour had left it for him.

As soon as Roger opened the letter, his eyes widened in surprise. It was now obvious that Fleur had not written the letter.

 It was now obvious that Fleur had not written the letter

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Roger looked at the letter in confusion. Did he have a secret admirer? Fleur would never have sent a letter like that. Embarrassed, he placed the letter underneath a plate and ran away.

The next person to discover the letter was Luna Lovegood. She ignored the jeering of her bullies as she skipped to the table. A boy snickered at her as he whispered to his friend. Luna noticed the letter and read it. Her eyes widened so much that they looked like whole eyeballs. She quickly ran to the Gryffindor table to show Ginny.

'Wow, that's really sweet,' said Ginny. 'Who wrote it?'

Luna shrugged. 'It wasn't signed. But maybe my secret admirer will talk to me after a while.'

Ginny nodded absentmindedly as she put some books in her bag, not noticing that she had accidentally swept the letter inside as well.

Later, Ginny went to Charms will her classmates. The letter had ended up inside her Charms textbook, so when she took the book out of her bag, the letter fell out and ended up on Colin Creevey's desk. He read the letter and thought that Ginny had a crush on him!

As the day wore on, many people ended up reading the letter and jumping to the wrong conclusions. The letter fell to the ground during Charms class, so the next person to find it was Cedric Diggory, and he thought that Angelina Johnson, who had been sitting near where the letter had fallen, liked him. Then the letter ended up in Draco Malfoy's hands, and he thought that Hermione had written it because she had been the last person he had interacted with. Then Padma Patil read the letter and thought that it was from Neville Longbottom because she had seen him with a piece of paper in his notebook.

By lunchtime, everyone was talking about the mysterious love letter. No one knew who had written it and were extremely confused when someone else insisted that they had received the exact same letter.

Draco went up to Hermione and asked her about the letter, much to her astonishment. 'I didn't write any such letter,' she said. 'And even if I did, why would I send it to you?'

Embarrassed, Draco thought that the smartest move was to walk away.

Hermione told Harry and Ron about the letter mystery. 'Something doesn't add up,' she said. 'Why are so many people insisting that they have received the exact same letter?'

'Maybe it's a prank,' said Ron. 'Maybe Fred and George know something about it.'

So the Golden Trio went up to the Weasley twins to ask them if they had any idea about who had written the letter. But they did not get the answer they had expected.

Fred had gasped and George said, 'How did you know that we wrote the letter?'

It was now the Golden Trio's turn to gasp. 'It was you two?' asked Ron.

Fred looked uncomfortable. 'Sorry. We overheard you suggested to Harry about writing a letter to Cho Chang. We didn't think that this would get out of hand.'

The twins started giggling, but the Golden Trio wasn't amused.

'This isn't funny,' said Hermione. 'What if Cho had read the letter and assumed that it was from Harry? When she had confronted him, he would have said that he didn't send the letter. She might have thought that it came from Cedric or anyone else.'

'We just thought that it was a good idea,' said George.

The Golden Trio decided to go back to the Great Hall. They hoped that the love letter business would die down after a while.

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