Stories About Mom

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Note: Sequel to Missing Mom. Everyone may be OOC. Italics will be used for flashbacks.

That night, DJ went into Stephanie and Michelle's room. She smiled, remembering the days when she had shared that room with Stephanie.

Stephanie was telling Michelle about the time Michelle had hidden Mr. Bear, Stephanie's stuffed bear, as a toddler. Michelle couldn't stop giggling.

'Hey, Michelle,' said DJ. 'Ready to hear a story about Mom?'

Michelle eagerly went into bed. 'Ready!' she said.

'Alright,' said DJ. 'Once when I was in second grade, I was going to participate in the school concert and was quite nervous about it.'


DJ just laid in bed, thinking about the concert. Why on earth did she agree to sing in the school concert? She must have been temporarily insane.

Just then, she heard a knock on the door. 'DJ, can I come in?' came a voice.

DJ sighed. 'Yes,' she said.

The door opened to reveal a woman with shoulder length blond hair and brown eyes. She sighed at DJ's state.

'Thinking about something, darling?' she asked.

'Mommy, I don't think that I can sing at the school concert.'

'What? But your father, sister and I had been looking forward to seeing you performing.'

'But what if I mess up? I have never performed before.'

Pamela Tanner smiled. 'You know, you remind me of my brother.'

DJ sat upright at once. 'What? Uncle Jesse? I don't believe it!'

'Well, it's true. He was really nervous about his first performance and was worried about messing up. But on the day he performed, he did it smoothly.'

DJ giggled. It seemed funny to her to think of Jesse being nervous. 'You know, I actually feel better about my performance.'

'Well, you'll have your family watching you do your best.'

'Thanks Mommy.'

Present time:

'Uncle Jesse being nervous?' asked Michelle. 'That is something I would like to see.'

'Alright, my turn,' said Stephanie. 'When you were born, Mom decided to show me how difficult taking care of a baby is. And oh boy, you definitely didn't make it easy.'


Pamela placed baby Michelle into her crib. 'Finally,' she said.

Stephanie peeked in the nursery. 'Mommy, will you play with me?'

'Soon, Stephanie,' said Pamela. 'Mommy's got to put your baby sister down for a nap.'

Just then, an idea came to Pamela. 'I know. How about I'll teach you how to take care of Michelle tomorrow?'

Stephanie nodded eagerly. 'Sure,' she said. She happily hopped back to her room.

The next day, Stephanie, Pamela and Michelle were alone in the house. DJ was at a Honeybee meeting and Danny was at work.

Pamela prepared a bottle for Michelle. 'First, I'll teach you how to feed Michelle. You need to let her lie on your lap and place one arm under her head so that it won't get sore. Be gentle as babies are very delicate.'

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