Missing Mom

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Note: Everyone may be OOC.

Stephanie Tanner was relieved when the last bell sounded. School had gotten a lot harder since she started middle school. But now she had the weekend to look forward to.

Just as Stephanie was putting books into her locker, Gia Mahan, her new friend, came up to her.

Originally, Stephanie and Gia did not get along. Gia had tried to get Stephanie to smoke, but Stephanie had refused. However, the two of them had made friends a few weeks ago when Stephanie learned of the real reason Gia behaved the way she did.

'Stephanie!' called Gia. 'Just want to let you know that I will be busy on Sunday, so we can only hang out tomorrow.

'What are you busy with?' asked Stephanie.

Gia looked at Stephanie like she had grown a second head. 'Because I will be planning a surprise for my Mom. It's Mother's Day this Sunday.'

Stephanie gasped. 'Oh, I forgot.'

'You forgot?' asked Gia. 'How can you forget Mother's Day? You literally celebrate it every year.'

Stephanie looked down. 'Actually, I haven't celebrated Mother's Day in years. My Mom died when I was little.'

'Oh,' said Gia. 'I'm so sorry. I had no idea.'

'You couldn't have known,' said Stephanie. 'I was five.'

Stephanie was in a somber mood for the rest of the day. All she did was to talk to Mr. Bear, her favourite stuffed animal. At eleven years old, Stephanie was a bit old for stuffed animals, but she loved Mr. Bear with all her heart. It was the last present she had received from her Mom.

DJ and Michelle, Stephanie's sisters, were very concerned about her. Since Michelle shared her room with Stephanie, she was able to watch Stephanie's behaviour.

Michelle went up to Stephanie. 'Are you okay?' asked Michelle.

Stephanie considered pretending that she was okay for a moment, but she knew that it wouldn't do any good. She tried to tell Michelle as gently as possible.

'Nothing. I just miss Mom, that's all.'

Michelle's face clouded with sadness. 'I get it,' she said. 'I miss Mommy too.'

Stephanie noticed tears form in her little sister's eyes. 'Don't cry,' she said. 'I didn't mean to make you upset.'

'I know,' said Michelle. 'It's just really hard for me. I'm the only person in my class who doesn't have a Mommy, and I don't know her at all.'

Stephanie felt guilty. Michelle had been six months old when Pamela Tanner had died. It was no wonder that she was the most affected.

DJ looked into the room. 'Is everything okay?' she asked.

'Not really,' said Michelle.

Stephanie and Michelle explained to DJ about what had happened. DJ did her best to comfort her sisters.

'I know that it's really hard without Mom around, but we'll manage. We always had.'

'But I really want to know Mommy,' said Michelle.

'I have an idea,' said DJ. 'Why don't me and Stephanie tell stories about Mom to you? Then maybe you can feel better.'

Michelle's face lit up. 'Really?' she asked.

'Sure,' said DJ. 'Come on, we should be going to dinner now.'

The three sisters happily went off to dinner.

Part 2 coming soon

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