Birthday Surprise

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Note: I thought that I would write this story to celebrate a certain albino boy's birthday. Everyone may be OOC.

Shu Kurenai was a little surprised to find his girlfriend Rosalie Charmille taking him to the mall. 'What is it?' he asked.

'Nothing,' said Rose. 'What do you think is up?'

'Well, it seems weird that you suddenly wanted to take me out,' said Shu. 'This doesn't feel like a date, and you keep looking at your phone. You don't even like going to the mall. Seriously, what is up?'

'Sorry, not saying,' said Rose in an annoying sing-song voice.

Shu looked at Rose's face, but clearly she wasn't going to give anything away. 'Fine,' he said. 'If you don't want to say anything then I won't pressure you.'

'Well, why don't we go to the cafe and get a snack?' asked Rose.

Shu shrugged. 'Sure,' he said.

The two of them went to the cafe. Rose got hot chocolate and a cheesecake slice. Shu got a strawberry tart and a chocolate chip cookie.

'I didn't peg you as the sweet-loving type,' Rose told Shu teasingly. Shu turned red.

'Shut up,' he muttered. 'Though I did enjoy that.'

Rose and Shu went to the arcade next. They both competed in a Mario Kart racing game. Shu won, but it was a close call.

'Aww,' said Rose. 'I would have won if it wasn't for that blue shell.'

'You seemed to be enjoying it though,' said Shu.

'Yeah,' said Rose. 'I'm just mad that I dropped from first place to fourth.'

'Fourth place?' asked Shu. 'I thought that you were third. That must be annoying.'

Just then, Shu's eyes lit up. 'Wait a minute, stay here.'

Rose was surprised. What was Shu thinking of?

Shu slipped into a flower shop. Then he came back out with a single red rose.

'Here, Rose,' said Shuas he gave her the flower. Rose felt embarrassed at Shu giving her something.

'Shu, I can't possibly accept a present from you! Not on your birthday!'

Shu was stunned. 'Today's my birthday?'

Now it was Rose's turn to look stunned. 'You forgot about your birthday? Who forgets their own birthday?'

'Sorry, it must have slipped my mind,' said Shu. 'I have been so busy lately that I must have forgotten that my birthday was coming up.'

'Seriously?' asked Rose. 'I am always counting down to my birthday. I can't believe that you forgot.'

'Look, I didn't forget my birthday on purpose,' said Shu. 'It just completely slipped my mind. Is this why you took me out? To give me a treat?'

'Um... partially.'


'Look, I'll explain later. Why don't we just have fun for a while?'

'Are you going to take the rose?'

'I can't have you giving me a present on your birthday! It wouldn't be fair!'

However, Shu took no notice and placed the rose on her ear. 'There, you look lovely.'

Rose blushed a little. 'Thanks,' she said.

Shu and Rose went to a bookshop (while avoiding dozens of Shu's fangirls) to search for books to read.

Rose found a book titled Ever After High: The Storybook of Legends. She was so invested in it that Shu had to practically drag her out of the bookshop.

'But I was just getting at the good part,' she said.

Shu mentally made a note to get Rose the book for her for Christmas. 'Come on, it's late. We should be getting back home.'

'Oh, of course,' said Rose. 'Come on.'

Rose made a quick check on her phone before going with Shu. They went back to Shu's apartment.

Shu noticed that something was off. First of all, his door wasn't locked. Which was odd, for he remembered locking the door that morning. Second, he could smell some food. He switched on his lights.


Shu's mouth dropped open in shock. His friends had planned a surprise birthday party for him. 'You... you had planned a birthday party? For me?'

'Of course we have,' said Valt. 'Remember
how we missed your last birthday because you had to go to stay with your grandparents? Well, we're definitely not missing this one!'

Shu turned to Rose. 'Did you take me out to distract me?'

Rose smiled. 'Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't.'

Shu took Rose by surprise when he suddenly gave her a kiss. 'Rose, this is the best birthday surprise ever.'

Rose smiled. 'Aww, thanks.'

'Are you two done with your flirting yet?' asked Wakiya. 'The cake isn't going to cut itself.'

Shu smiled. 'Thanks,' he said.

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