Different Types of Bullies

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Note: My OC, Amelia Tanner, will be in this story. Everyone may be OOC.

Everyone hated the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge. She was cruel, sadistic, and racist. The fact that she wore fluffy pink cardigans didn't help matters. Those who liked pink felt their love for the colour tainted by the loathsome woman.

'I wish that she will die in a hole,' said Lee Jordan.

'I used to like pink but now I am starting to dislike it,' said Parvati Patil.

'She's awful,' said Hannah Abbott. 'And we're not going to learn any Defence Against the Dark Arts while she's around.'

However, no one could do anything as Umbridge was a Ministry of Magic officer. They just fumed in silence.

One day, Professor Umbridge encountered a surprising student. She had strawberry blonde hair and blue-green eyes. She was usually reading or observing in silence. Her name was Amelia Tanner.

In one particular lesson, the Ravenclaws and Slytherins were reading about werewolves. Professor Umbridge asked, 'What happens when a werewolf that hasn't transformed bites someone else?'

Many of the Ravenclaws raised their hands. Professor Umbridge picked a random student. She stood up.

'The person who gets bitten will not transform at the full moon as they are not true werewolves. They will have scars from being bitten, just like regular werewolves. But they may develop liking for raw meat.'

'That... is correct,' said Professor Umbridge. She sounded disappointed, as if she had hoped that the student will get it wrong. 'And your name is...'

'Amelia Tanner.'

'Very well,' said Professor Umbridge. 'I expect that you will do well in your OWLs.'

Amelia raised her hand again.

'What?' asked Umbridge in annoyance.

'I doubt it,' said Amelia. 'You're not letting us do anything in class. We'll all do badly in our OWLs if you continue not letting us do magic in class.'

Umbridge produced her usual fake cough, which irritated the students. 'Miss Tanner, as long as you have studied the theory enough...'

Amelia stood up. 'I hate people like you. I have dealt with people like you my whole life. You enjoy bullying others because you have power. You think that you are the only person who gets to decide what to do. And I see right through you. You don't want us to succeed in our OWLs.'

Everyone was now silent. They feared that Umbridge was going to do the very worst thing she could do. Sure enough, Umbridge gave Amelia a week's detention.

Amelia was furious when she found out what detention with Umbridge was like. She was forced to write lines with a Blood Quill. After her detention was over, Amelia was tempted to write home to her parents and complain about Umbridge's behaviour. But it would be no good. Her parents were Muggles and had no power over Umbridge. All it would do was to worry them.

On her way back to her common room, Amelia bumped into Hermione Granger. 'Oh, sorry,' said Amelia. 'I didn't mean to bump into you.'

'That's all right,' said Hermione. She suddenly noticed that Amelia's hand was bleeding. 'Did you have detention with Umbridge?'

Amelia nodded.

'Come with me,' said Hermione. She brought Amelia up to the Owlery. She prepared Essence of Murtlap and placed Amelia's hand in it.

Amelia was thankful. 'Thanks for helping me,' she said. 'I'm Amelia Tanner.'

'I'm Hermione Granger,' said Hermione. 'Are you the Ravenclaw girl that stood up to Umbridge?'

Amelia looked surprised. 'Yeah,' she said. 'News travel fast.'

'I don't know if what you did was brave or stupid,' said Hermione. 'Umbridge has placed my friend Harry in detention several times to torture him using the Blood Quill. All because he told the truth about You-Know-Who.'

'Well, I believe that he's telling the truth and the Ministry has gone bonkers,' said Amelia. 'Seriously, what has happened to kindness and fairness? I think that the Ministry doesn't know the meaning of those words.'

'Well, what can we do?' asked Hermione.

'Have a secret alliance,' suggested Amelia. 'You know, round up everyone who hates Umbridge and learn Defence Against the Dark Arts in secret. Only we don't have a teacher to...'

'Actually, I can think of someone,' said Hermione. 'I'll let you know once I have an idea of what to do.'

Amelia had no idea what Hermione had in mind, but didn't quite dare to ask. It wasn't until one day in Charms class that Hermione finally told her what the plan was.

'Harry has agreed to set up a secret Defence Against the Dark Arts group and I told him that I will find people who want to join. I was wondering if you could round up some Ravenclaws to join.'

That evening, Amelia nervously went into her common room to ask some of her classmates to join the group. Padma Patil, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein and Michael Corner agreed at once. Cho Chang seemed enthusiastic, but her friends didn't seem as pleased.

However, Amelia was still satisfied with the results. She was about to go to bed when she encountered a younger Ravenclaw girl. She had dirty blonde hair down to her waist and silvery grey eyes. She introduced herself as Luna Lovegood.

'Are you interested in joining the secret Defence Against the Dark Arts group?' asked Amelia.

Luna smiled. 'I would like that,' she said. 'As long as they don't make fun of my beliefs or take my things.'

Amelia looked astonished. 'Why would they do that?'

'Some of my classmates do that,' said Luna. 'Not Ginny Weasley. She's a nice girl. But not everyone is open-minded. Some of them call me Loony Lovegood.'

Amelia gasped. 'That's awful.'

Luna told Amelia about some of her beliefs. Amelia thought that Luna was a little odd, but that didn't sound like a good reason to be mean to her.

'If anyone is mean to you, let me know. I will not tolerate bullying. I was bullied when I was younger. I loved everything to do with magic and fantasy. As a result, my peers shunned me and I had no friends. I was really happy to go to Hogwarts.'

Luna smiled. 'Well, I guess that I will see you at the first meeting.'

Amelia suddenly realized how many people she had managed to recruit. And that was only the Ravenclaw students. She didn't want to think of how many students in the other houses will be attending.

Oh dear, she thought. Harry is not going to be too happy about the number of people that will show up.

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