Babysitting Isn't Easy

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Note: Inspired by DWfangirl16's stories. Everyone may be OOC.

Valt Aoi knew that something was wrong. After all, when you don't see a sign of your best friend for two days in spite of attending the same school and can't get a hold of them by phone, clearly something was wrong.

Valt ran all the way to Shu's apartment to see if anything was amiss. He rang the doorbell, but there was no answer.

'Shu!' Valt called out at the top of his voice. No answer. He called louder. This time, he got a reply. But it was rather quiet. And he couldn't make out the words.

Valt knew that he shouldn't have done what he did next, but desperate situations call for desperate measures. He found Shu's spare key in its secret place and used it to open the door.

Valt stepped inside the living room. It was empty. But wait, was that an infant's crying?

'Hello?' asked Valt. He went inside Shu's bedroom and almost had a heart attack.

Sitting on the floor was a one-year-old baby. But it wasn't the sight of the baby that startled Valt the most. It was that the baby looked like a certain someone he knew.

The baby had white hair and bright crimson red eyes. He was wearing a pink bunny onesie.

'Shu?' asked Valt disbelievingly. 'Is that you?'

As soon as the infant saw Valt, he burst into tears.

'Oh Shu, please don't cry,' said Valt. He picked up his tiny-sized best friend and started rocking him. 'Are you hungry?'

Shu nodded silently, so Valt went into the kitchen to check for any soft foods he could give Shu.

Valt found a bowl of strawberries in the fridge and decided to mash them up before feeding them to Shu.

As soon as Shu was fed, Valt debated on what to do next. Obviously he couldn't leave Shu at his apartment alone. He was certain that Shu's parents weren't coming back anytime soon to check on their son. So there was only one thing to do...


'Shu turned into a baby?' called half a dozen voices.

'Yeah,' said Valt. 'I found him like this at his apartment.'

Valt had now brought Shu back to his house and was now currently telling his siblings and friends about what had happened.

Nika cooed over Shu. 'He's sooooo cute! I want to hold him.'

Shu sniffed. 'Mama!' he said.

Nika looked a little shocked. 'I'm not your Mama,' she said.

'Maybe he wants his real mother,' said Wakiya.

'How did Shu turn into a baby in the first place?' asked Rantaro.

'I dunno,' said Valt.

Shu crawled to a corner of the room. Everyone couldn't help but aww at him.

'He's really cute,' said Daigo. 'When Ryota was a baby, people wouldn't stop telling my parents how cute he was.'

'Well, we can't keep him like this forever,' said Toko as he picked the small albino up. 'Babies can be tiresome.'

'Come on,' Ken said through Besu. 'How hard can taking care of Baby Shu be?'

Shu started to yawn. Everyone awwed again.

'Looks like somebody's sleepy,' said Valt. 'I'll just tuck you into bed.'

Valt placed Shu into Toko's old crib. Shu was already asleep.

'Should we fetch him some toys to play with?' asked Nika.

'Good idea,' said Valt. 'I'll give him some of my Lego minifigures.'

'Not a good idea,' said Rantaro. 'Babies like putting things into their mouths. 'He could swallow one and choke.'

'Oh,' said Valt.

'Let's give him stuffed animals,' said Nika.

So when Shu woke up, his friends gave him teddy bears and stuffed animals to keep him entertained. It was amusing watching the usually serious Shu playing happily with soft toys.

All of Valt's friends went home at dinnertime. He brought Shu downstairs for the meal.

Chiharu gave Shu a bottle of milk and some mashed potato. Shu drank the milk and ate his food himself.

'Wow, Shu's one clever baby,' said Toko. 'Most babies need to be fed by their parents.'

'Well, Shu told me that his parents never looked after him when he was small,' said Valt. 'He was raised by his aunt- his mother's younger sister. But she died when Shu was three.'

'We should bring Shu somewhere tomorrow,' said Nika. 'How about the playground?'

'But Shu's too little to play anything there,' said Toko.

'Actually, when you two were babies, Mom would take all of us to the playground or the park,' said Valt. 'We can bring a picnic lunch.'

'That would be fine,' said Toko.

That night, Valt put on a movie on the television for him and Shu to watch. It was Disney's Peter Pan. Valt tried his best not to snort with laughter when the song You Can Fly played. Mainly because one of the lyrics sounded like Think of Batman Pooping Snakes.

Shu fell asleep halfway throughout the movie, so Valt put him to bed. 'That was easy,' he said.

Two hours later, Valt regretted his words. Mainly because Shu woke up everyone in the house with his crying.

My short stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora