Bunny Shu

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Note: I don't know why, but quite a number of authors seem to imagine Shu as a cute little bunny rabbit. Not that I blame them. He has white hair and red eyes.

Rose and Kairi will be in this story, but it's not canon to Reincarnated in Beyblade Burst. Everyone may be OOC.

Shu Kurenai couldn't stop blushing as he walked with Rosalie Charmille at an amusement park. Rose and Shu had been dating for two weeks.

It had been Rose's idea for the two of them to go on a date at the amusement park. She insisted that it would be fun. However, disaster was going to happen.

There was a magician showing magic tricks to little children. She saw Shu and asked him to participate in her magic trick.

The trick involved pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Shu was to hold the bunny rabbit and put it inside the hat. But the bunny
rabbit kept wriggling and squirming.

'Hold still,' said Shu. 'It won't hurt you.'

The magician, clueless that Shu was struggling to put the rabbit inside the hat, talked to the audience before saying some magic words just as Shu was putting the rabbit in the hat.

POOF! The rabbit was still visible, so the magic didn't touch it. But where was Shu?

To Rose's horror, there was another bunny rabbit next to the hat. 'Shu? Is that you?' she asked.

The bunny rabbit hopped over to Rose. 'Fix him!' she told the magician.

'I... I don't know how,' said the magician. 'I have never turned a human into an animal before.'

Rose picked up Bunny Shu. Unlike the other bunny rabbit, he made no attempt to wriggle out of her arms. 'Oh Shu,' she said. 'Fon't worry, we'll find a way out of this.'

Twenty minutes later, the Beyclub and Kairi Ogawa, Rose's friend, was staring at Bunny Shu. 'He's so cute,' said Valt.

'Valt, this is serious,' said Rantaro. 'I don't want Shu to be a bunny forever.'

As soon as Rantaro mentioned that, Bunny Shu started to hop around in a panic, clearly alarmed.

'Oh Shu, don't be scared,' said Rose. 'We'll fix this, I promise.'

Bunny Shu stared at Rose helplessly.

'Are you hungry?' asked Kairi. She offered him a carrot. 'Here, you eat this.'

Bunny Shu ate the carrot happily. Rose gently stroked his fur. 'Aww, your fur's so soft.'

Bunny Shu nuzzled his nose against Rose's hand. 'Aww, he likes it,' said Kairi.

'You know, I would like to take him home. That is, if it's okay with you.'

Bunny Shu nodded happily and hopped into Rose's lap. 'Yay! He said yes!' said Valt.

'It's a pity rabbits can't talk through,' said Rose. 'It's quite difficult to know what Shu's saying when all he can do is hop.'


Shu felt annoyed that nobody could understand what he was saying. Luckily his friends seemed to interpret what he wanted to say correctly.

I can't believe my rotten luck. First I turn into a baby. Now I'm a bunny rabbit? At least I'm still aware this time.

'Come on Bunny Shu! Let's go back home,' said Rose as she picked up Shu and carried him back home.

Don't call me Bunny Shu! Just Shu will be just fine.

Rose happily brought Shu back to her house. She put him on her bed. 'You just stay here,' she said. 'I'll be back soon.' Then she left the room.

Shu looked down from Rose's bed. He was shocked by how high up he seemed. Did he dare jump back down?

However, it seemed like fate was going to decide for him, because Shu suddenly slipped and fell down.

Shu was more shocked than hurt. At least, that's he thought until he tried to stand up and realized that it was very painful to stand on his left hind leg.

Shu wanted to cry out in pain, but it was practically impossible in his rabbit form. Just then, Rose came back inside.

'Good news,' she said. 'The magician said that the spell will wear off after a few hours. That means that you just have to bear it out until... Shu, why are you on the floor?'

Shu looked up at Rose. Help me, I'm hurt!

'Are you hurt?' asked Rose in concern. She carried Shu and placed him back on her bed. She unknowingly placed Shu on his bad foot and he gave a voiceless scream of pain.

Rose's baby blue eyes widened. 'Oh Bunny Shu, are you hurt? Do you want me to take you to a vet?'

What? No way! I have seen the doctor enough times to last me a lifetime! I don't want to see a vet!

Shu wriggled in Rose's hands so much that she got the hint and placed him down. 'Okay, fine. We won't see a vet. But once you're back to normal, you are going to see a doctor.'

Two hours passed. Shu was tired, so he took a little nap. Rose gently stroked his ears to comfort him.

Shu had no idea how long had he been asleep. All he knew is that he woke up to find Rose kissing him. Apparently he had turned back human when he was asleep.

'Good morning,' she said. 'Did you have a nice nap?'

Shu sat up a little, but a sharp pain in his left ankle made him lie back down again.

'Shu, what happened?' asked Rose.

'My ankle. It hurts,' said Shu. His face was as white as chalk.

'Don't cry,' said Rose. 'I'll get you to a doctor. You need an ice pack or something.'

Rose did bring Shu to the doctor, who said that Shu had twisted his ankle and he shouldn't try to stand on it for a few weeks.

Rose helped Shu while he recovered. She made sure that Shu rested his ankle and did not do anything to damage it.

Shu enjoyed having extra time with Rose and the two of them grew closer. However, now Shu stayed far away from any magicians.

My short stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora