Without You

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Note: This takes place between The Hated Child and The Favourite Child, so Ella has just been adopted by the Huntington family.

Ella Mallory wasn't sure how to feel. Was she happy to be away from her abusive biological parents? Yes. But did she miss Amy? Also yes.

Ella and Amy weren't ordinary sisters. They were twins.

Some twins seemed to be joined at the hip. Other twins were just like normal siblings.

For most of Ella's life, she had been tormented and abused by her parents. They hated her because she was an unwanted child. They always favoured Amy because she was planned. But Amy cared for Ella deeply and protected her as if she was years younger, though in reality they were only six minutes apart.

Now Ella had been adopted by another family. They were kind to her, but she still missed Amy.

You said that we would always be
Without you I feel lost at sea
Through the darkness you'd hide with me
Like the wind we'd be wild and free

'Ella!' came a voice. She saw her new adoptive sister, Jessica, calling to her. 'Want to play Scrabble with me and Tom?'

Ella smiled. 'Sure, Jessie,' she said. 'I will be there.'

Jessie was Ella's nickname for Jessica. Tom's real name was Thomas.

Even though Ella liked her adoptive younger siblings and thought that it was nice to be the oldest for a change, she missed being the youngest and hanging out with Amy.

Amy understood her. The two sisters had been different, but also similar.

You said you'd follow me anywhere
But your eyes tell me you won't be there

Ella played with Jessie and Tom for a bit. But since she was so much older than them, she easily beat them. They pouted playfully.

'Come on, it's not fair,' said Tom, though he didn't sound cross at all. 'Just one more round.'

Ella agreed happily, but her smile dropped when Jessie made a word that made her heart ache.

Jessie's word was AMY. 'Jessie, why did you...'

'It was the first word that came to my mind,' said Jessie. 'You know, your golden haired twin.'

Ella's eyes filled with tears. 'I've got to go,' she said. She ran to her bedroom and cried on her bed.

'Amy, I miss you,' she sobbed. 'I want to see you again.'

I've gotta learn how to love without you
I've gotta carry my cross without you
Stuck in the middle and I'm just about to
Figure it out without you
And I'm done sitting home without you
Fuck, I'm going out without you
I'm gonna tear this city down without you
I'm goin' Bonnie and Clyde without you

Amy Mallory was just lying down on her bed. She was hugging a little teddy bear that used to belong to Ella. It was bright blue and held a red heart. Amy had her own twin bear which was pink with a similar red heart.

Amy's bear was with Ella now. They had decided to switch bears when they got separated so that they would have memories of each other.

'Oh Ella,' said Amy. 'I miss you. Are you missing me too?'

Amy wanted to see Ella, but she had a feeling that if she asked her parents they may say no. Her parents absolutely despised Ella, which Amy had been annoyed by. Why couldn't they love Ella and Amy equally?

For this reason, Amy was now ignoring her parents. She just wanted her sister.

Now I'm running away, my dear
From myself and the truth I fear
My heart is beating I can't see clear
How I'm wishing that you were here

Amy went out for a walk. She tried to appear as nothing was up, but she couldn't stop the tears from welling up in her eyes.

It was impossible to contain her emotions. She started running away. She didn't know where she wanted to run. She just knew that it was far away from everyone.

However, Amy suddenly tripped and fell flat on her face. Her knees were scraped badly but she didn't feel them. All she did was cry on the ground.

You said you'd follow me anywhere
But your eyes tell me you won't be there

'Are you okay?' came a voice. Amy looked up to see a young girl around nine years old looking at her.

'I'm... I'm fine,' said Amy. 'Nothing to worry about.'

'You don't look so good,' said the girl. 'Shall I take you to my house?'

Amy sniffed as she nodded. 'Yeah,' she said. 'I won't mind that at all.'

As the little girl took Amy to her house, Amy thought that it looked oddly familiar.

'You look familiar,' said the little girl. 'Do I know you?'

Amy shook her head. The little girl started calling out upstairs. 'Guys, over here! We have a visitor!'

Amy gasped when she saw a five-year-old boy and a girl who looked like her darker-haired twin. Wait. It was her darker-haired twin!



The two sisters ran to each other and hugged. 'I missed you so much!' they both said at the same time.

I've gotta learn how to love without you
I've gotta carry my cross without you
Stuck in the middle and I'm just about to
Figure it out without you
And I'm done sitting home without you
Fuck, I'm going out without you
I'm gonna tear this city down without you
I'm goin' Bonnie and Clyde without you

Ella looked at her adopted sister. 'Did you?' she asked.

Jessie nodded happily. 'I recognised Amy because she looks exactly like you. I knew that you wanted her back.'

'That's your adoptive sister?' Amy asked.

'Yeah,' said Ella. 'Well, want to chat for a bit?'

Amy smiled. 'I would like that very much.'

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