Best Friends

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Note: This is a sequel to The Start of a Friendship. Valt and Shu may be OOC.

Valt Aoi never really understood why Shu thought himself a boring person. Even though Shu was very quiet and introverted, Valt found him to be quite an amusing person- when he wanted to be.

A few weeks after Valt met Shu, he decided to surprise his new friend by giving him a little birthday surprise. But when he saw Shu in school, it seemed like birthday spirits were low.

"Happy birthday Shu!" said Valt cheerfully.

"Oh, thanks," said Shu dully.

"Shu, is everything okay?"

"Mommy and Daddy aren't going to celebrate my birthday with me," said Shu. "They have to work."

"Oh, that's too bad," said Valt. "Why don't you come over to my house after school?"

Shu turned a little red. "Thanks," he said again.

Shu got the surprise of his life when he found out that the Aoi family had thrown him a surprise party. He got so overwhelmed that his eyes started to tear up.

"Oh Shu, don't cry," said Valt. "I didn't mean to make you cry, I just..."

"I'm not sad," said Shu. "I'm very happy. No one has done such a nice thing for me before."

Valt giggled in relief. "Well, that's great. Come on, Mom baked you a cake?"

"Is it strawberry cheesecake?" asked Shu hopefully.


(Three weeks later)

Valt was very concerned when Shu appeared in school one day in tears. He ran up to him at once.

"Shu, what's wrong?" he asked.

"I... I don't want to talk about it," said Shu.

"Are you sad? I'll give you a big hug and you will stop crying, right?"

"No... It's... My Mommy said that she and Daddy didn't want me."

"What?" asked Valt. Surely all parents loved their kids! He could not imagine his parents ever saying such a hurtful thing.

"It's... True," said Shu tearfully. "I... Wanted a sibling like Toko and Nika so I asked Mommy if she would have another baby... She... Said that I was a mistake... And that she wished I was never born."

Shu started to cry softly, and Valt hugged him.

"I'm so sorry," he said. "I never thought that your parents would be so horrible."

During snack time, Valt shared his cookie with Shu again in an attempt to cheer him up. Shu couldn't help but feel thankful that he had a friend like Valt that would always be there for him.


(Two years later)

Valt felt really upset at what had happened. He had been looking forward to his school's Christmas party, but then he ended up catching the flu.

So poor Valt was stuck in bed while thinking of all the fun his classmates were having. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.

"Valt, sweetie, you have a visitor," called out Chiharu.

"Is it Dad?" asked Valt hopefully. His father was supposed to be back home for the weekend.

"Not yet," said Chiharu.

To Valt's astonishment, his visitor was none other than Shu! The albino boy had a tupperware with soup in it.

"Shu, why aren't you (sneezes) at the party?"

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