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Note:Valt and Shu may be OOC. All interactions between them will be 100% platonic.

'When that happened, I was so certain that I was going to lose,' said Valt Aoi. 'But then Valtryek sped up and zooooom... I won. It was so awesome.'

'Uh huh,' said Shu Kurenai. He wasn't really paying attention to Valt's story. He couldn't stop thinking about the past few months.

Long story short, Shu had basically disappeared into thin air, faked his death, and got unmasked by his enemy Lui Shirosagi. Then he got possessed by an evil beyblade and got freed by Valt.

Shu had been certain that no one would forgive him, but all his friends did. However, Shu still felt guilty about everything he had done.

Valt decided to invite Shu to his house for a sleepover. He figured out that Shu needed to have a little fun to take his mind off everything.

However, it seemed that the sleepover had not cheered him up at all. Shu just looked at the ground sadly.

'Come on, cheer up,' said Valt. 'Everything's in the past now. Why don't we watch a movie?'

Shu sighed. 'Fine,' he said. 'What do you have in mind?'

'We could watch The Parent Trap,' suggested Valt. 'Or what about Toy Story? How about Cinderella? Hmm, maybe not. You're probably sick of that one.'

Cinderella was Valt's favourite Disney movie. As a child, he had watched it so many times that he knew the entire plot by heart. Sometimes Shu had watched it with him.

Valt and Shu went downstairs to search through all the films the Aoi family had. There were many Disney and Pixar movies. There were quite a number of Barbie movies, which were Nika's favourite. Toko preferred Star Wars movies.

Just then, Valt found a movie he had never heard of before. It was titled It.

Valt frowned. 'Shu, have you ever seen this?'

Shu shook his head. 'It would be interesting to see, though.'

Valt agreed, so he played the movie. However, it wasn't long before he and Shu regretted it.

In the beginning of the movie, a little boy called Georgie lost his toy boat in a drain. A clown convinced Georgie to inch close to the drain, only to rip his arm off and drag him into the sewer.

As the movie progressed, it only got more terrifying. However, when Valt and Shu saw the part when a sink spilled blood all over a bathroom, the two of them screamed.

This attracted attention at once. Chiharu, Valt's Mom, saw what the boys were watching and turned the TV off.

'You two are too young for this,' she said. 'I believe that neither of you like horror movies.'

Both Valt and Shu were thankful as the movie had seriously freaked them out. They decided to go to bed.

However, they both found it difficult to fall asleep. All they could think about was Pennywise the evil clown. By the time both of them were asleep, it was almost two in the morning.

Almost an hour later, Valt woke up to a noise. He looked around, wondering what could have woken him. Just then, he noticed that Shu wasn't there.

Valt figured that Shu must have gone to the bathroom. But as ten minutes passed, Shu did not return. Valt decided to investigate.

Valt discovered Shu downstairs, flipping through a magazine. 'Shu, what are you doing?' he whispered. Shu took no notice.

Valt grew concerned. Shu wouldn't just ignore him. There was also something creepy about his behaviour.

Valt took Shu's hand. 'Shu, it's the middle of the night. You should be in bed.'

However, there was no response from the albino. He just let Valt take his hand.

'Shu, are you alright?' asked Valt. Just then, he noticed that the magazine Shu was holding was a fashion one. Shu had no interest in fashion. Why did he read it then?

'Shu?' asked Valt.

Shu suddenly looked at Valt. His gaze was blank and his crimson eyes were glassy. Valt's body froze in place.

'Mom!' called Valt.

Chiharu walked downstairs for the second time that night. 'Valt, why are you and Shu still up?'

'Mom, Shu's acting weird,' said Valt. He led Shu to his Mom. Surprisingly, Shu followed quite obediently.

Chiharu saw Shu's face and gasped. 'Valt, sweetie, Shu's sleepwalking.'

'Sleepwalking? As in walking in your sleep?' asked Valt. 'I thought that sleepwalkers walk with hands outstretched.'

'Don't believe everything you see in movies,' said Chiharu. 'I know that Shu's sleepwalking because I once had a friend who did the same thing. It quite freaked me out until I realized what she was doing.'

'Oh,' said Valt. 'Should I wake Shu up then?'

'No,' said Chiharu. 'You should never wake up a sleepwalker. You can make them disoriented. Just guide him back to bed.'

'Okay,' said Valt. He gently led Shu upstairs.

'Mom, why do people sleepwalk?' asked Valt.

'I heard that people sleepwalk when they are stressed or sleep deprived,' said Chiharu. 'But it may be likely that Shu may have a family history of sleepwalking.'

'Well, Shu has been rather down lately,' said Valt. 'The movie also freaked us out.'

Valt laid Shu in the sleeping bag and Shu went straight off to sleep. It was like nothing had happened.

'Mom, should I tell Shu about this?' Valt asked.

'I don't know,' said Chiharu. 'He's not going to remember doing it when he wakes up. Anyway, you should get into bed too.'

Valt agreed, so he went to bed as well and fell asleep immediately.

The next day, both Valt and Shu were tired. Valt didn't tell Shu about his sleepwalking. As Chiharu had predicted, Shu had no memory of his sleepwalking at all. He didn't know why he was so exhausted.

Later, Shu packed up his things and told Valt that he was going home. 'So I'll see you tomorrow,' said Shu.

Valt burst out, 'Wait!'

Shu looked at his best friend in surprise. 'Yes?' he asked.

After a moment, Valt said, 'Nothing. Never mind.'

Shu looked at Valt suspiciously, but didn't say a word. If only he had known what had happened the previous night.

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