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Chapter 37 Brother Shui from Tenth Street

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Yuan Zhuan's words made Wei Ding choke, "What? Who ordered me? Why didn't I know?"

"It's fine if you don't." Yuan Zhuan turned around and left.

"Hey, Yuan Zhuan, stop here. Tell me, who ordered me? Tell me!!"

What answered him was Yuan Zhuan's walking back.

Wei Ding: Im so angry...

Han Yu saw his friend going crazy on the spot. He couldn't bear to look directly at him, so he dragged him away.

Xiao Yue and Qin Man looked at each other, then looked at the figure walking away, then smiled and followed a few steps away.

"She's actually the person that Principal Xu is taking care of. Don't think about causing trouble. Besides, she didn't do anything to apologize to us." Han Yu said, as for his friend's previous behavior, it was not acceptable.

"I was just teasing her, but I didn't know she was so fierce." Wei Ding complained irritably.

He was just joking. Who knew that she could hold him down and clean the stool, just like that, it aroused his temper. It seemed that it was not in line with his character to not make a scene, and it would affect his prestige in the class.

If he didn't perform well today, he will have to make up for it tomorrow.

"Weiding, Yuan Zhuan is not a coward. Stop looking for trouble. If I sue you later, be careful that the principal really comes to find your grandfather." Qin Man persuaded his friend with a smile. Yuan Zhuan seemed to have a weird temperament. He was obviously dark and thin, but he didn't look like a timid little girl like Shangougou. She had also seen little girls in the village, but there was no one with the same temperament as Yuan Zhuan.

how to say? That is, her temperament is very special, just like, confident, yes, she looks very confident, and she seems to be confident about everything. In today's scene, if it were a little girl from other villages, she would definitely cry.

As for Yuan Zhuan, she didn't plan to spend any time dealing with the rebellious kid, so she went directly to the shop. Yesterday she prepared the ingredients for Chuan Chuan Incense. Today was the first day of business. I don't know how the sales were.

Cao Ming didn't expect that there would be busier days than when he opened the business. After the whole day, he was almost exhausted, so he called two friends over to get busy. The only thing that made them happy was that Zhao Ma would let him go from time to time. The taste of the bunch of vegetables that Yuan Zhu served was amazing!

When he was done, he had to have a good meal. Well, there was some meat and vegetables at home, so he brought them over and boiled them in the soup. He didnt know what the ingredients of the soup were, but it was so delicious!

The materials prepared in the house were decreasing little by little, but there was still an endless stream of people buying things. The children all got into the store and ran around. Liu Da was responsible for the discipline of the children, which helped Liu's mother a lot.

Yes, Liu Ma was also caught as a young man. She was so busy that her feet did not touch the ground, and she was still happy.

Yuan Zhuan saw that his shop was so tightly surrounded that his eyes nearly popped out of his frame in surprise. Wasn't he just ordering incense? Is it that delicious?

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