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Chapter 12 Buying Medicine

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Qian Miaomiao has been working in her drugstore for more than a month. She got up early today for the first time. She wanted to quickly go into the store and finish sorting out the goods she left behind because she was too lazy last night. Otherwise, her grandfather would have to give her something if he saw her unfinished business at work. A hammer blow.

As soon as I passed the corner of the street, I saw a thin figure squatting in front of my store, like a child.

As we got closer, the child looked over. He had a sallow little face and was well malnourished~

Qian Miaomiao was sure that he was really a child.

"Kid, why are you squatting in front of my pharmacy? Does anyone in the family need medicine?" This child is sallow and skinny. Does he have no food?

Ignore the other person's appraising eyes.

"My dad fell down and needs medicine for bruises. My mom asked me to buy it." After saying that, he took out the 100 yuan he had prepared in his pocket and waved it to show that he had money.

Yuan Zhuan felt relieved when he saw the flash of sympathy in the eyes of the girl in front of him.

"Then come in. Do you know what medicine you want to buy?" Qian Miaomiao bent over and pulled up the rolling shutter. A cool wind and a strong smell of medicine rushed into his nose.

The traditional taste of a drugstore~with a touch of Chinese medicine.

Behind the old-fashioned glass counter is a wooden chest of drawers, which is dotted with small drawers. The handles are labeled with the name of the medicine on a white label.

It seems to be a pharmacy that combines Chinese and Western medicine~

"Ten bottles of iodophor, ten rolls of bandages, five boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, ten bottles of Yunnan Baiyao spray, and five bottles of safflower oil." Yuan Zhuan reported the names of the medicines he had thought of long ago.

Qian Miaomiao paused as she walked into the counter, then turned around and asked, "Do you want this much?" It wouldn't take so much for an injured person, right?

"Well, there is no pharmacy selling Western medicine in our hometown. These have to be sent over, so buy more." The prepared words were perfect.

"Ah, oh." Nodding clearly, Qian Miaomiao skillfully opened the order and calculated the money.

Gaining another sympathy, Yuan Zhuan's eyes fell on the Chinese medicine cabinet at the back. She didn't understand medicine, but the strong smell of Chinese medicine smelled good, and it should be stronger than the traditional Chinese medicine in later generations.

"The total is 168 yuan. If you buy more, I will give you two more bottles of iodophor." The purchase price of iodophor is RMB 30, so she can afford it.

"Thank you, sister." Yuan Zhuan thanked him obediently.

"You're very sweet, little girl. You're welcome." Qian Miaomiao said with a smile, "Do you live near here? Where is your family?"

The little girl was so well-behaved that it was heartbreaking, so Qian Miaomiao asked more questions.

"Dad can't make any money anymore, and the family has expenses. My mother took my brother and me out to work. We are now living in Sister Ling's hotel." Look, there are many children who don't have a city government and even tell strangers where they live. .

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