The mario channel: mario vs wild

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Mario's dragged me along to make a video with him currently we're in the woods I'm the film operator for him and right now me and him are running and trying to hide from a bear holding a shotgun after that we got to work picking some hopefully non poisoned berries later during nightfall mario started trying to make a fire but failed so he pulled out a microwave and threw a bunch of stick in it and turned it on after that the microwave popped out a fire mario then made a ' shellter' after that Mario and I fell asleep

(The next day )

I woke up and started the recording and woke Mario up he then rolled the camera to keep walking aimlessly till you find something after that mario drank somebody's piss in a bottle the piss did let us come to his camp but I ain't really trusting the dude so after Mario left I heard him scream and when I got to Mario he was about to be cooked I then saw the piss dude holding a machete and rushed at me I dodge and triped him Down a hill I then got Mario out of the pit I then notice that the dude stoped a key Mario then picked up a phone and ordered a helicopter with the dudes coins it then landed in front of us "and the final step is to order your escape" mario said to the camera I then climbed onto the helicopter and we were off "DAMN YE WANKERS" I heard the piss dude say as we went off

New adventures...(smg4 oc insert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang