Smg:4 the japan trip

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(Hmmm we are finally getting roses pov again let's a fucking goooo)
Rose's pov
Currently saiko was showing us around landmarks and other places it's so cool 'I really wish Leo was here he would like it here I was brought out of my thoughts by bob flying right past me

"Appreciate my culture, you filthy gaijin" I laughed a little at bob "Uh, Saiko, this is cool and all, but can we go to Tokyo City?" Boopkins asked "yeah I'm curious to see that place too" I said to saiko "Yeah, we're only in Japan for a day, I wanna go see anime waifus!" Bob said limping over to us

ugh fine...

Saiko: only if one of you pulls the cart

"Dibs, not it!" We all said at once but smg4 was slower
"Goddamnit!"smg4 said "Faster, horsey, faster!" Bob said mocking smg4
"DON'T PUSH IT!" Smg4 yelled back

"Thanks for showing us around, Saiko! Boopkins said like a child "Yeah we really appreciate it" i said to her "well, think of it as thanks for taking me here all the way from the Mushroom Kingdom.

"Yeah. If anime ban doesn't get lifted, I just might live here!" Boopkins said
"You should. Japan is great" saiko "while it is beautiful I have one word and three numbers to say" I said to saiko and boopkins "and that would be ?" Saiko waited for my answer "unit 731 and Shirō Ishii" I said to them they just looked at me "umm oh yeah that's pretty dark" boopkins said uncomfortably
"Faster, you stupid fatman." Bob said
Smg4 then got mad and groundpoud the front of the cart and this caused us to get launched off the cart and caused bob to get thrown into a house which the people inside weren't happy with the new hole in their house and they punted bob out

"Uhm Japanese folk don't look to happy to see us" boopkins said as the people who just had a literal hole put into their house came out saiko tried to calm them down "holy dick balls look at that" bob pointed to a sign which had anime girls and said 'akihabara town ahead'
" wow! We're right next to akihabara the anime town."saiko said "anime town ?!" Boopkins said excited "yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" bob kept on throwing the angry house people out of the way while me,smg4,and saiko stared at what bob just did
Me,smg4 ,boopkins,bob and saiko had finally arived at 'anime town' we saw posters mini figures etc everywhere boopkins and bob was so interested in everything while me, saiko, and smg4 were just walking and supprisingly saiko was smiling 'huh I didn't she could smile without looking like a yandere ' I said to myself I then see a big crowd and walk up to the crowd I then see why there is a big crowd 'holy shit is that fucking axol I then look behind me to see saiko, boopkins, and bob looking out the window of a building 'ah so their seeing this too then boopkins broke the window and ran past me but after a minute I see boopkins flying through the air later acol was using his pen to draw anime and the pen brought the drawing 'how the hell does that even work?' I asked my self he then left in quiet a hurry so I followed him guess I ain't the only had that idea because I saw boopkins,bob, smg4 and saiko in front of me "hey guys" I said to them before saiko hushed me boopkins tried to talk to axol but before he could axol drew a snorlax and it started hoping to a train station "after that snorlax " saiko said I started running with them but I remembers I was still wearing those anti gravity shoes so I turned them on and I jumped up to the train tracks and started running right behind the snorlax I then see boopkins fly past me before being hit by a train I then try to jump to axol before being hit by another train "god fucking dammit " I said out loud before being picked up by saiko "thanks" I said to her "no problem" saiko replied we then went into the train station I really couldn't see what was going on but the Next thing I know we were going down the railroad and saiko had a tight grip later we were out of the subway and near axol house I think I don't know saiko was still carrying me but she put me down "I'm just gonna stay here and uh wait for y'all" I said to saiko as she placed me down are you sure "yeah  to be honest this is just a scratch" I said sitting down "so just go get him perhaps he can help with our anime problem back in the mushroom kingdom" I said to her "you could be right I just want to know how he makes anime characters come to life" saiko said "hang on I have an idea" later I watched them put the plan into action it had bob being a manga artist  and saiko being a statue for some reason somehow they got in  as I waited I got a call from Leo

"Hey rose,how's it going with you" Leo asked me

"Oh it's going good despite being hit by a train" I said  to him

"WHAT !!! ARE YOU OK!??!" he yelled in worry

"I'm fine leo a little limp but nothing I can't handle" I said trying to calm him down

"Also you know that artist I always talk about"

"The one that can bring his drawing to life ? umm axol is it?" He said questioning

"Yep uhm the we're trying to get to him all for different reasons boopkins and smg4 wanna talk to him saiko wants to know how he brings  his drawings to life
I just wanna see if he can help with the anime problem at the mushroom kingdom" I said to him

" that's good at least you aren't having anime withdrawal like boopkins did" he said to me

"Anyways I need to let you go the drawing just faded outside of axols place I'm going in"

"Alright have fun hun" he said to me laughing a little  I blushed a little  " oh and before I go I wanted tell you something about Meggy"
He said to me

"w-what about her" I asked "I think our inkling freind has a crush on desti" Leo said

"Aren't desti and Meggy rivals though  why the hell does Meggy have a crush on her??" I asked 

"I don't know but I think desti also has a crush on Meggy" he said

" eh Why do speculate that" I asked him "I did some detective work and asked the person who lives in the room next to Meggy and asked when they moved in ....
It was desti who moved in and she moved in right after we had met her and her team" Leo explained

"That's some good evidence but that really doesn't explain why she got the room " i said to him

"I was getting to that when Meggy knew desti was right next to her desti didn't react the same way she acted calm and knew what she was doing" Leo said

"And how do you know this??" I asked him

"Meggy told me and to be honest I love the rivals to lovers trope so I ain't gonna fuck with em and see how their relationship goes for them" Leo said

"I admit it is a nice trope but I gotta go love you bye" I said to him
" bye DarLing" he said to me his voice kinda sound like it glitched before o pressed the hang up button


As I put my phone up I open the door to see saiko punch bob  right in the face "what the heck is going on here" I said out of shock "um is that your freind" axol  asked "yep any way look he's not actually a manga artist and we're not his assistants we just really wanted to ask you some thing's " saiko said  "I'm sorry for tricking you. Things have just been so horrible since anime's been banned back home" boopkins explained to Axol "wait,what did you  just say?!" Axol asked supprised "it's true here look the mushroom kingdom has banned anime" I said showing a article of princess peach banning anime and the chaos it is causing
"Very well It's decided then.... Green frog" "axol said pointing at boopkins "my names boopkins " boopkins said "you have been dealt a great injustice" axol said  jumping on a table and doing shitty anime poses as he promises to get anime unbanned  after that cringy fucking thing
"That's great but umm what's your plan for legalizing anime" I asked Axol as I sat down "leave that too me and ol'ink weaver  here" he said before starting to laugh maniacally  and start drawing  after drawing "well show them the joy of anime

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