101 ways to kill mario

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Leo and Smg4 were watching a video before Mario and barged in "hey smg4 can I have a special "he asked happily "no"smg4  "please please please please" mario begged Leo could sense smg4 so he stepped away "you really want a special well you get a special"smg4 said  before punching Mario so hard "oh my god  Smg4 you killed him"Leo said shocked "that's it that's the special 101 ways for Mario to die "smg4 said "that's one hundred and one "Leo asked smg4 "yep now come on help me get him to the cloning room "smg4 said "when did we have a cloning room "Leo asked "oh sorry I forgot to tell you"

Showing off Mario held a bob bomb which exploded
Mario got farted on by bowser

98:jumping through walls

97:eating mushroom
Mario eats a mushroom which shrinks his head

96 getting stuck in a pipe
Mario got half of his body stuck in a pipe

95:walking into flowers
Explosive s were set up


93 seeing ugly people
Mario looked at a picture of Justin Bieber and jumped off a cliff

92 more teletubies

91:staring contest
Mario had a staring contest with a boo after two hours his head fell off

Mario beloved he could fly but actually plummeted to his death

(Time skip)

Mario got hit with a banana and died

9:I don't even know

8: are these even deaths

from shoving off to eating mushrooms leo was surprised at how Mario can die you watched how the bodies kept stacking up  Latiki then spoke up"um  we don't have anymore clones and I think you killed the real Mario" he said
"Hey guys I'm still alive "mario said limping " "oh mario thre you are we can continue the deaths oh would you look at the time  we need to end this soon " smg4 said "hah might as well end it know he said running up to mario he then punched Mario multiple times then kicked  him out of the universe "um we still have some dna of him right "Leo asked "fourtnetly and unfortunetly we do "latiki said "whew"leo was relived out

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