Smg4: Marios spicy day

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No one's pov
Leo's been having cryptic visions again this time he saw smg3 and Mario make a agreement a weird looking remote and a studio called 'snitch  productions "I gotta tell smg4" Leo got up and ran to smg4's room "YO smg4 I Think  Mario's maid a deal with smg3 " Leo said to smg4 "say what"  smg4 said "I think it's called spicy ones" Leo said and then a video poped up in the suggestions "holy shit your right Leo" smg4 tapped it and began to watch it

It had smg3 as the host "damn his voice has changed over the years " so has yours" smg4 retorted  they kept watching Mario was the guest

The first meal was a spicy Pepe
And smg3 asked what it was like being Mario Mario gave a pretty obvious answer
Smg3  then upped the spicines  up next
Was a

S.  U.  C.  C  head and smg3 asked how Mario's childhood was before Mario could say anything his head caught on fire

After the video ended me and smg4 were laughing "damn I forgot how desperate he could be" leo said smg4 then saw how many views smg3 was getting 6 million in just an  hour he looked at the coments and see them praticly praising smg3 "wow   The meat riding is crazy" Leo said smg4 just fell down to the floor in shock "Leo your right leo smg3's planing on doing something evil and we gotta stop his evilness

Later they arrived at snitch productions smg4 snuck in while Leo just walked in and was about to confront smg3 but smg4 fell in front of him in which smg3 called security  that security being barnacle boy and mermaid man  "hey Mario help us stop smg3" smg4 said "why he's not doing anything" Mario said "ive already told  you about the visions" Leo yelled to Mario "sorry about them smg3 they are special boi's ' What THE FUCK DID HE JUST CALL US UH UH FUCK HIM  HES THE FUCKING SPECIAL fucktard for trusting that FUCKING SNAKE' leo  heard l yell 'l please come yourself' leo said to him 'IM TRYING LEO BUT IM ON MY LAST FUCKING STRINGS WITH THIS ABSOLUTE FUCKING JACKASS fuck this teleport outside now' l said to leo ' alright' Leo teleported outside but he forgot smg4  but then saw the place blow up and smg4 fell right beside him

"Nice try. But once again, your evil plan has been foiled!" No reaction from smg3 "I said: once again, your evil plan has been foiled!

SMG3 Starts crying while kneeling on the ground

"What a baby..." smg4 said  "smg4 be respectful"

SMG3 Looks at SMG4 " ...Evil? Where do you see evil?" Smg3 asked before picking up a deformed Kirby "My poor creations..." smg3 said saddened

Deformed Kirby: I am dead (X_X)

"All I wanted was to entertain. To make people happy......To show them something beautiful. And now its gone." He did getting angry at smg4

"Bro, Just build another studio." Smg4 empatheticly


"Not with that attitude" smg4 said

"You never cared about me being happy...ever since we first met" smg3 yelled

Flashback time
a flashback of when SMG4 and SMG3 were in a school called Memewarts: Memecraft and Memery

"From the beginning, you were the golden child.....The Fat Italian everyone loved and adored for all your precious memes.

Flashback SMG3 is Lifting up and down a Tinky Winky

Smg4 Laughs at SMG3 while lifting up a Beeg SMG4 "Oh yeah!"

Flashback smg3 was about to kiss a body pillow "Kiss me.." Moves his head closer to  body pillow)

He looks over Looks over at a bunch of people cheering for SMG4, which are Pepe the Frog, Bandage Girl, Carl Wheezer, and Woody

SMG4 Looking at the group Yeahhh..!

Even the body pillow Looks at SMG3, then at SMG4, then back at SMG3, then back at SMG4, and walks towards SMG4 "Uh, bye"

SMG3 just Looks down sadly

The next scene shows SMG3 sitting on a frog in the water, and SMG4 sitting on Scout, who is dressed like Sonic the Hedgehog

"Gotta go fast." The scout said The scene shows SMG4 zooming around the water course at SMG3 is going extremely slow

SMG3 just Looks down sadly again)

The next scene shows Dumbledore pointing at a board that says FINAL EXAM

SMG3 Summons a small Eggdog

DumbledoreNods in approval, and almost gives SMG3 the passing trophy

"HEY!" Flash back smg4 yelled

Dumbledore and SMG3 Looks over at SMG4

SMG4 Summons a bigger and more superior Eggdog

The Bigger Eggdog Woofs and shoots the smaller Eggdog, which causes the smaller Eggdog to explode

Dumbledore Walks over to SMG4 "Why he's even better". And Gives SMG4 the trophy

Flash back

"I...didnt know that's how you felt."  Smg4 said he Walks over to SMG3, and places his arm on SMG3's shoulder

"Will you accept my apology?" Smg4 asked

SMG3 Gets an angry expression on his face, and looks down to see one of creations say "Father, please help me"

"It's too late for that. If the world wants me to be evil. Then so be it" he says Stomping out the creation

Smg3 Looks back at SMG4 "Watch your back! I'll see you again." Disappears in smoke)

SMG4 Looks around in shock)

"What do you think he'll do?" Mario ask "Dunno. Something devious, no doubt..."

"GOTCHA BITCH!" Smg3 said as he Ran towards SMG4 and kicks him in his nuts

Smg4 Falls on the ground in pain "Oh my SMG4 nuts!

Giving the double middle finger "SIKE! HA HA! Time to go fap!" Smg3 said floating away

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