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Leo pov
Right now me and the others are standing on an eye  and we are watching an eye dance and we are being forced to go somewhere after a while of spinning we landed in a white void with titles "hey this looks like that episode of SpongeBob" rose said "if smg0's trying to drive us mad it's working" smg3 said holding his head Mario kept runing and screaming before being knocked over  by a block but the block showed us something a red title I open the title to see a different are Mario and smg3 just jumped in with no hesitation "idiots the both of them" rose said  we then walked with the blue cube and the yellow ball to somewhere after all that crazyness we arrived at morshus house? Turns out that cube and the ball was smg1 and 2  they were gonna get us outta here they gave of explanation on what powers they and the other smg's have  but after that smg1 explained that smg3 and 4 had told hands and concentrate on some sort of energy they fourtnetly agreed to do it  for some reason I'm rendering a certain igloo anyway they created a bridge to get us out of here

Rose pov

As I awaken from whatever that shit was I realized we were hooked up to machines "YES! WELCOME BACK! YOU GUYS MADE IT!" Smg2 said to us "we was worried smg0 corrupted you guys" I said said to the two "nope we're safe" smg2 said
"WAHOO!!!! NO MORE NIGHTMARES!" Mario yelled "Thank you for saving us guys. Really glad to see you're okay too!" Smg4 said "Ugh. Can someone please tell me what the hell that was?" Smg3 asked
"You guys were all stuck in Zero's mind torture simulation. But you're free now" smg1 explained "LET ME OOUUUUUUT!!!! MARIO NEEDS TO PISS!" Mario said hitting the door

"Ah crap that's right, we're still locked in here!" Smg4 said "There is a way out of here. But it's going to be very dangerous....And we'll need all of your help." "We're going to unleash the USB's reactor core." Smg2 said

They explained to smg3 and smg4 what they needed to do  as me leo and Mario watched them as the memes started coming out of the core they turned them into energy and the energy started going into Mario as he got taller me and leo just backed away but something was wrong me and leo look over to see smg4 and 3 faint "CRAP!THE CHANELING IS UNBALLANCED" smg1 yelled then the room exploded leo hugged me and hid me away from the blast

as we landed smg1 said something but it was groggy I then see Mario in the air "uhm guys" I say as I saw the fake Axol now has possession of Mario me leo and the smg looked in horror "he's the final peice for zeros plan" Leo said in horror

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